Workshop Wrap-up Reflection

The intent of the twit-tivities was to create a sense of potential around how Twitter microblogging can incorporate itself into the classroom in powerful and numerous ways. Having completed the activities it is now time to reflect on how your science classroom could potentially change, and how your approach as an educator might have been influenced.

Please read the compiled results of all the participants completed surveys –

Available Here.

Has your understanding of the potential benefits of Twitter in the classroom evolved? If so how? Would you re-evaluate your initial survey answers? Create a reflective statement (not limited to 140 characters) and post below in the comment section to share with your colleagues. You can use the following open-ended statements as a guide to formulate your reflection if you wish. Please include your twitter ID in your signature at the end of your statement.

Reflection beginnings

“I needed exposure to these ideas because…..”

“Now I can see where I would use Twitter in….”

“The next time I design a science lesson I might…..”

“I can see myself making Twitter activities to challenge students with…..”

“This would be a great pre-activity to…..”

“The other science teachers at our school would appreciate…..”


If you would like to continue to explore ways that Twitter can be integrated into the classroom, further resources are available on the Resource page







2 Responses to Workshop Wrap-up Reflection

  1. pcollins says:

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for participating in our workshop. Any comments regarding your reflection about how this learning has impacted what you might do in the classroom would be appreciated. Or, if you are already utilizing Twitter and have an idea to share – please post it here for other educators.

  2. pcollins says:

    You can also reach me on Twitter @Patty7C

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