Camera Roll – Work by UBCO Photography Students

The second semester of the senior photography class at UBCO is devoted to developing the student’s individual vision. There are no projects assigned and each person is encouraged to research and begin to investigate subject matter and styles of working that are relevant and meaningful to themselves. The results are seen here as early worlds in the new careers of emerging artists.
The work has been divided into two exhibition with two distinct orientations. The first group’s work uses the landscape as a starting point for inspiration and the second group uses the figure as its central theme.

The Landscape:
Kelsie Balehowdky, Faith Clancy, Taylor Crain, Shea Hermanson, Natalie Kreining , Michelle Mackay, Mandira Rajasheker, Gemma Rose, Ali Young
The Figure:
Catriona Blair, Pilar Guinea, Emerald Holden, Dean Krawchuck, Alia Popoff, Ashley Taron

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