Category Archives: FCCS Artwork

Animal Tested – an installation by MFA Student Kacie Auffret

Kacie says about her work:

My artwork takes a critical view on the human and “non­human” relationship. I examine how animals are seen as tools or resources to be used by humans and, more specifically, how
the “non­human” is used for food, clothing, or research purposes. My work seeks to draw the audience in with the subject matter through the strategic use of video installation, photographs, performance art, and printmaking. A question that I pose through the installation, Animal Tested, is, how would an eco­feminist artist address the theme of what eco­feminist Lori Gruen calls “entangled empathy”? (Strangers to nature: animal lives and human ethics) What Gruen, a philosopher and critical animal studies scholar, means is that

“[e]ntangled empathy is a process whereby individuals who are empathizing with others first respond to the other’s condition (most likely but not exclusively, by way of a pre­cognitive empathetic reaction) (Strangers to nature: animal lives and human ethics).

My goal in Animal Tested is to foster a conscious experience of entangled empathy through the installation by encouraging the viewer to acknowledge all the suffering and death of non­humans that takes place in laboratories throughout Canada. My hope is each viewer will feel compassion for the non­humans that suffered either before they entered the gallery space or once they have left.

Sublime by Rosa Park


“The Sublime” is comprised of a selection of thirty photographic images, which have been taken over the 4 years since Park came to Canada. Park’s photographs present the “exalted” landscapes and nature of Canada and her vision of photographing them continues to look more closely at the intensity that the blessed land reveals. Park moves her camera lens to where she sees and feels the silence of land, the slight gesture of animals, and the silent breathing of nature.

A slow, continuous journey, “The Sublime” now engages the observers in a gentle dialogue about the land in which they dwell, and elevates the familiar land pattern around them to higher levels of awareness.

Playtime by Kathryn Holden and Dean Krawchuck

Welcome to the world of Playtime. A place you can enter with an open imagination, and create bonding moments with both friends and strangers alike. With the elimination of rules people should feel free to express themselves as openly as children do. Our aim in creating this exhibit is to engage adults in the idea of play – a concept often masked by adult responsibilities. We want you to feel free and open to follow your childhood inhibitions.