Fion Lee's Blog

Live your dream

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March 3rd, 2011 by Fion Lee

I totally forgot about my Youtube post, and I’ve been using so many Youtube links!!
Thanks for the reminder from my fellow classmate, Christine Fung‘s Youtube post about Vlogging.

I totally agree with what she said about Youtube naturally just “converts” us into loyal advocates without any marketing nor promotion! It builds into our mind and if we like the channels, we simply just click -subscribe-. The more the people subscribes, the more the vloggers get the chance to partner up with Youtube and make $$!!

As Christine mentioned, most or maybe all the vloggers never market themselves. They don’t know you in real life!! How are they supposed to knock on your door and ask you to subscribe and give them money(youtube)?! It has to be an intrinsic motivator that pushes you to click that button on top of the video. Word of mouth also “markets” for the vloggers through the loyal advocates. Whenever a friend recommends some videos, you’ll always see something on the side – the “related videos”. I can spend a WHOLE day just watching “related videos”. It’s pretty amazing. Yes I know.

Youtube also has a lot of ads on the sides and sometimes before the video starts. It’s not avoidable, so it forces you to gain some “knowledge” on the products being advertised. Before I’ve never noticed the ad about “Indochino”, but ever since one of my Sauder club event invited them as a guest speaker, and when I saw that Youtube-Indochino ad, I was like “WHAT?! I’ve never seen this before!” But really, it’s been there for a really long time. Sometimes, we just need to stop whatever we’re doing, and pay attention to our surroundings. Life is beautiful!

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