2020-04-12 COVID-19 revised general (= for all sections) syllabus, in PDF:
- Summary of 2020-04-12 changes:
—the final exam is OPTIONAL
—the final exam is a remote honour-code limited-open-book take-home, open for 24 hours
—if you choose to do the exam and its mark raises your final grade, then the exam mark counts
—if you choose not to do the final exam, or if your mark would lower your final grade: the pre-exam 60% becomes the final grade, without changing the proportional weighting of each assignment
—see also: emails in week of 2020-04-06 + Révisions et examen final *optionnel* - Summary of 2020-03-16 changes:
—classes and office hours are now online
—test 2 and final exam online: remote honour-code take-home
—attendance and technology etiquette policies waived
—savoir-vivre change: removal of requirement for 3 visits to the FHIS Learning Centre (or equivalent in-person interaction in French), as the LC is now closed
—late work policy waived: no late penalties, all due dates are now flexible, late work WILL be accepted
—revised general syllabus, effective from 2020-03-16 until the end of (the teaching) term (2020-04-08): https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jvtpcl7rxr3oo6/19W2%20FREN%20101%20syllabus-general%20revised%202020-03-18.pdf?dl=0
UBC’s Point Grey Campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam) people. The land it is situated on has always been a place of learning for the Musqueam people, who for millennia have passed on their culture, history, and traditions from one generation to the next on this site.
- acknowledgement
- course information: contacts, prerequisites, corequisites, format
- learning: objectives, materials, work
- policies: course, department, university
- support
- weekly schedule: including schedule of assessments
PDF of syllabus (general version; last updated 2019-12-18)
Course title | Course code number | Credit value |
Beginners’ French I | FREN 101 | 3 credits |
This course is designed for students who have never learned any French before. It assumes no prior knowledge of French. If you are unsure if this is the appropriate level of French course for you—for example if you have already learned some French—please read UBC FHIS > Guidelines for Placement in French Language Courses and talk to the course coordinator.
This course must not be taken at the same time as other FREN courses. It is not available to students with the prerequisite for FREN 102. The Department of FHIS reserves the right to refuse enrollment to any of its language courses to a student who has, in the view of the Department, a level of competence unsuited to that course. Enrollment at or below the level the student has already attained is not permitted.
Your instructor | Contact details | Office location | Office hours |
… | … | … | … |
Coordinator | Contact details | Office location | Office hours |
Dr Juliet O’Brien | juliet.obrien@ubc.ca | Ponderosa Annex E 222 | by appointment (please email to arrange a time) |
Your instructor and coordinator read correspondence during regular working hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We will respond to your emails as soon as possible, usually within 1-3 working days.
As this is a living language course, our classes are a fluid mix of—to translate other academic areas’ categories—interactive lectures, discussion, and improvisation. Classes are mostly conducted in French, with English as needed for explanation. Class locations are on the Student Service Centre.
The Department of FHIS offers a series of eight French courses designed to build students’ skills progressively in the four basic communicative functions of listening, reading, speaking, and writing. FREN 101 is the first of a pair of beginners’ courses—101 and 102—aligned with level A1 objectives of the Common European Framework of Reference: basic vocabulary, the rudiments of grammar, and familiarization with cultures of the French-speaking world.
FREN 101 introduces the French language and Francophone cultures, opening up their understanding in a worldwide context. With an approach that is communicative and collaborative, and inductive and interactive, the course develops students’ comprehension and the mobilisation of knowledge—savoirs—translated into the applied practice of savoir-faire.
French grammatical structures studied include: common verbs in the present tense, subject pronouns and adjectives for descriptions, prepositions for talking about places, simple negation, and asking questions. These will be applied in practice through:
- listening: understanding everyday communication about yourself, your family, and your immediate surroundings
- reading: understanding familiar vocabulary in simple communicative structures; such as advertisements, posters, menus
- speaking: asking questions for information or about familiar or everyday topics, and engaging with others in simple conversation using simple sentences and expressions to describe places and people
- writing: short observations and portraits of people and places; completing forms and questionnaires; discussing cultural differences; and expressing opinions, ideas, and dreams
By the end of the course, students should be able to understand simple communication and to communicate simply about familiar and frequently-encountered topics such as personal information, work, everyday life, identity, tastes, activities, travel, geography, and local environment.
More on the themes, vocabulary, and grammar objectives that are covered in FREN 101 is in the weekly schedule at the end of this syllabus, and is in greater detail in learning objectives.
Nathalie Hirschprung & Tony Tricot. Cosmopolite 1. Livre de l’élève. (Paris: Hachette, 2017).
ISBN 9782014015973
UBC Bookstore price on 2019-12-16: $36.50
Online prices around EUR 17.30 + shipping, sales tax, import taxes
Nathalie Hirschprung & Tony Tricot. Cosmopolite 1. Cahier d’activités. (Paris: Hachette, 2017).
ISBN 9782014015980
UBC Bookstore price on 2019-12-16: $21.50
Online prices around EUR 10.10 + shipping, sales tax, import taxes
You may share—and thereby share the cost of—the Cahier (workbook) with a colleague in the same class, as working on practice exercises with a peer is encouraged.
These materials are for both FREN 101 and 102.
FREN 101 = the first half of Cosmopolite 1, dossiers (chapters / units) 0-4.
FREN 102 = dossiers 5-8.
Each of the books above—textbook and workbook—also has a CD and a booklet at the back: audio tracks, videos, vocabulary, scripts for the textbook and workbook audio, sample answers for practice exercises. You can also download these files (printed materials are in PDF): more information is on Canvas.
Sylvie Poisson-Quinton. La grammaire du français en 44 leçons et plus de 230 activités, niveau A1. (Paris: Éditions Maison des langues, 2014).
ISBN 9788415640127
Online prices around EUR 21.50 + shipping, sales tax, import taxes
Some other materials, such as supplementary learning resources, are available via UBC Blogs: FREN 101 & 102 resources. These resources are free, open, and publicly available. Your instructor might also supply you with further (free) resources for your class, using Canvas or email or otherwise; they will inform you accordingly.
In class
As it is a living language course, FREN 101 involves face-to-face work in class, with an emphasis on working collaboratively in pairs and small groups. Your active participation is expected. This includes speaking in class: interaction in French with instructor and peers, preparedness and willingness to ask and answer questions (not necessarily in French: this is a beginners’ class) and share ideas, and contribution to work in small groups.
Please bring the Livre (textbook) with you to class. Your instructor may also ask you to prepare work in advance for a specific class (ex. a question for discussion) or to complete online (ex. on Canvas); if that is the case, they will inform you accordingly.
Some assessed work is in class: two tests. Revision guides and further specifics, including which learning obiectives are being assessed, will be on Canvas or otherwise provided to you by your instructor.
TESTS IN CLASS (2) = 30%
- 45 minutes, in class, closed book.
- Tests will be in French; they will use simple language that you have already met in the textbook and workbook. For any questions that have more complex instructions, these will be both in French and in English. All answers should be in French.
- Test format: DELF-format listening comprehension and reading comprehension; grammar; and open-ended writing
- Learning objectives being assessed:
Listening comprehension. Each audio recording will be played (at least) twice. A first set of multiple-choice questions will be about global, general understanding. A second set of questions will ask you to locate specific information. This will include grammar. - COMPRÉHENSION DES ÉCRITS (reading)
This will be a previously-unseen text, at the same level as those in your textbook. A first set of multiple-choice questions will be about global, general understanding. A second set of questions will ask you to locate specific information in the text. A third set of questions will be on closer reading. Each one will be a sentence which (in relation to the text or to French grammar and spelling) is true or false. If it is true, tick “vrai”; if it is false, tick “faux” and write in a corrected version of the sentence in the space provided below. These changes will include applying grammatical knowledge from the dossier in question. - PRODUCTION ÉCRITE (writing)
Short writing related to the topic of the reading comprehension text and to the “production écrite” writing in the “DELF” pages at the end of each dossier. This question will specifically ask you to put into applied practice grammar and lexical elements from the dossier(s) in question.
- As language knowledge and learning is cumulative, tests and the final exam build on knowledge and know-how acquired in previous dossiers (ex. the test on dossiers 2-3 will assume and include grammar, vocabulary, etc. from dossiers 0-1).
- How to prepare:
- Regular attendance, participation, and work in every class
- Regular workbook practice, ideally with a colleague from class in a peer pair, before and after class
- Practice tests: the “DELF” page at the end of each dossier in the textbook and the “Bilan” at the end of each dossier in the workbook
- The Tableau des contenus at the start of your textbook works well as a checklist
- Week 5: test 1 on dossier 1
= 10% - Week 10: test 2 on dossiers 2-3
= 20%
Outside class
As is usual with university-level courses, you should expect to spend at least TWO hours outside class (regular preparation, homework, and practice) for every hour spent in class. For a three-hour class, that is at least six hours’ work; or, a little over an hour every day during the week, and the weekend off. Language learning requires regular practice: like music, dance, martial arts, and sports. It is better to do some French every day than to try to cram all your homework into one session on Sunday afternoon (also, this wrecks your weekend). FREN 101 has workbook practice exercises (Cahier d’activités) and optional extra online exercises (Parcours digital) to provide you with this practice. Work outside class:
- Should be YOUR OWN work: you MAY NOT use tutors, Francophone friends, etc. to help. It is important to your learning to make your own mistakes, and to learn from them. See below, “Academic Integrity Statement” and “UBC Policies.”
- You MAY, however, work with the FHIS Learning Centre.
- You are strongly encouraged to work together with peers in our class, in pairs or small study groups, on the Cahier d’activités. It is recommended that you do exercises regularly, after you have covered the work concerned in class—ideally every class day—to reinforce what you have learned in class while it is still fresh in your mind.
- You may use dictionaries and other resources; some assignments may explicitly ask you to do so.
Some assessed work is to be submitted online or by an equivalent alternative: a group project and your savoir-vivre portfolio-journal. Project topics and further specifics, including means of submission and which learning objectives are being assessed, will be on Canvas or otherwise provided to you by your instructor.
- It is recommended that you do Cahier d’activités (workbook) exercises regularly, after you have covered the work concerned in class—ideally every class day—to reinforce what you have learned in class while it is still fresh in your mind.
- You are strongly encouraged to work on these exercises together with peers in our class, in pairs or small study groups (a maximum of 3 is recommended)
- You may also visit the FHIS Learning Centre for help with your Cahier exercises
- NB: some of the “Nous agissons” exercises can sensibly be left until revision for the final exam, and some can be ignored; if in doubt, and if an exercise is taking a long time and looks like it requires a lot of extra research, STOP (and take a break and have some rest) and then talk to your instructor and/or the coordinator.
- NBB: the answer key is provided, in a booklet inserted in the back of your workbook and also online, in the interests of promoting student autonomy and encouraging responsibility for this part of your own progress.
- Due: the day of a test or exam. For feedback and to discuss questions, bring your workbook to your instructor’s office hours in the week before that test/exam; otherwise, just for completion to be recorded, bring your workbook to that test in class (or the final exam, for dossier 4 and the 1% for completion). Your instructor will simply check that you’ve completed most of the exercises and give you a point.
- For each dossier (1-4): at least half the questions in each of the reading comprehension, grammar, and listening exercises = 1 point per dossier x 4
= 4% - At the end of the course: completed dossier 1-4 exercises including the “Bilan” at the end of each dossier
= 1%
- Writing and speaking
- Choice of topics
- Your instructor will provide you with further details on topics, dates, and means of submission in week 4. This general syllabus includes one possible version, a “scaffolded” project in three stages:
- Savoir-être – Carnet de bord = 5%
(“scrapbooking” regular weekly collection)
Individual curated collection of your own found materials in and on French, creating a multisensory environment of personal wellbeing: l’art et la joie de vivre. Topics might include, for example:
music, perfume, visual arts, archaeology, cinema, the slow food movement, TV series, sounds, scents, trees and forests, opera, climates and climate change, multimedia and performance arts, board games and children’s games, war and peace, seas, gastronomy, molecular gastronomy, animation, parks, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, chocolate, chanson française and other song, pâtisserie, the history of ideas, cycling, recycling, street arts, ruins, public sculpture, philosophy, immigration and emigration, agriculture, agrotourism, ecotourism, fashion, mime, pétanque and other leisure activities in parks, dance, le foot (“soccer”), politics, ancient sites, health and healthcare, seaside and spa resorts, cultural practices, funghi, sciences, hip-hop, birds, words, sports, rivers, libraries, book culture, cartoons, games, rural life, ports, architecture, bread, carnaval, international relations, fishing, graffiti, textiles, festivals, advertisements, cafés, bistrots and brasseries, picnics, markets, flea-markets, flowers, circus arts, education, gardens, caves, memes, jokes, mountains, poems, conservation, history, rugby, border areas, wine, novels, colonialism and decolonisation, comics and graphic novels (bande dessinée), other literature, UNESCO World Heritage sites (including intangible cultural heritage), ideas, cheese, museums, built and natural environments, the history of science, ecology, sustainability, food, tastes, l’art de flâner
… these are just examples in case you are looking for ideas; you are not expected to do any or all of them! - Savoir-apprendre – Réflexion = 5%
(“journaling” reflection on learning)
Reflection and commentary on your learning in French: what you are learning, how, and why; how your perception of French is changing over the course of the course; what connections you have found between French and your other UBC courses. Should include at least 1 journal entry per dossier and at least 3 entries reporting back after visits to the FHIS Learning Centre, or to your instructor’s office hours, or other live interaction with/in French. This part of your FREN 101 written work may include English or other languages other than French—all other work produced in this course is in French—so that you can express yourself fully. - Due: by the day of the exam
- Format and mode of submission: ePortfolio via Canvas (or equivalent alternative: check with your instructor)
This assignment is a combination of reflection about learning and language—a savoir- apprendre that complements the savoirs of this course—and an individual curated collection of your own found materials in and on French, creating an environment of personal wellbeing—l’art et la joie de vivre—a savoir-être that complements the savoir-faire of your course and its materials.
This is not a point-scoring box-ticking exercise; it’s about quality, engagement, depth, enrichment; and acquiring habits of regular reading—in its broad sense, including all other sensory interactions with the world around you—and writing and reflection. The idea is that this is a regular journal, so it’s building up a whole larger continuous work (like any other portfolio, journal, diary, etc.), which *you* can also read, going from page to page, as a continuous narrative; reading your past self and seeing how you and your thinking are changing. For more about the raison d’être for the savoir-vivre (and savoir-être and savoir-apprendre) part of our course, see: “Savoir-vivre plurilingual intercultural learning portfolios” (O’Brien, 2018) and information about the UBC Faculty of Arts ePortfolios … for this course, for other courses, and for life …
Final examination
- In the formal examination period in April, 2.5 hours, closed book, and following the usual UBC regulations on student conduct during examinations
- The exam will be in French; it will use simple language that you have already met in the textbook and workbook. For any questions that have more complex instructions, these will be both in French and in English. All answers should be in French.
- Exam format: A1.1-level DELF-format listening and reading comprehension; grammar; and open-ended writing; like the two tests but scaled up from 45 minutes to 150 minutes.
- Learning objectives being assessed:
Listening comprehension. Each audio recording will be played (at least) twice. A first set of multiple-choice questions will be about global, general understanding. A second set of questions will ask you to locate specific information. This will include grammar. - COMPRÉHENSION DES ÉCRITS (reading)
This will be a previously-unseen text, at the same level as those in your textbook. A first set of multiple-choice questions will be about global, general understanding. A second set of questions will ask you to locate specific information in the text. A third set of questions will be on closer reading. Each one will be a sentence which (in relation to the text or to French grammar and spelling) is true or false. If it is true, tick “vrai”; if it is false, tick “faux” and write in a corrected version of the sentence in the space provided below. These changes will include applying grammatical knowledge from the dossier in question. - PRODUCTION ÉCRITE (writing)
Short writing related to the topic of the reading comprehension text and to the “production écrite” writing in the “DELF” pages at the end of each dossier. This question will specifically ask you to put into applied practice grammar and lexical elements from the dossier(s) in question. - The purpose of the final exam is for you to put into applied practice what you have learned in the course. It is therefore comprehensive and cumulative.
- How to prepare:
- Regular attendance, participation, and work in every class
- Regular workbook practice, ideally with a colleague from class in a peer pair, including before and after class
- Practice tests: the “DELF” page at the end of each dossier in the textbook and the “Bilan” at the end of each dossier in the workbook
- Practice exam (with sample answers) and other revision materials (on Canvas).
- The Tableau des contenus at the start of your textbook works well as a checklist
- Workbook exercises (Cahier d’activités; individually or in pairs) = 5%
- Group project = 15%
- Savoir-vivre individual ePortfolio = 10%
- 2 tests in class (listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing) = 30 %
- Final written examination (listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing) = 40%
Schedule of assessments: in the weekly schedule at the end of this syllabus.
Policies specific to this course:
- Attendance is required (see “Attendance” in bold, the next item below).
- Cellphones should be turned off and put away during class; on the use of other electronic devices in the classroom, please see “Technology etiquette” below.
- Some assignments may vary from section to section at the discretion of individual instructors. They may not, however, vary from student to student within a section.
- An instructor can only do for one student what they can also do for every other student in the class/course; and they cannot do something for one student that they could not also do for every other student (ex. individual tutoring). Please note that an instructor’s office hours are NOT for individual tutoring or catching up on missed classes. For catching up with missed classes, we would recommend working with peer colleagues from your class, with the FHIS Learning Centre (free) or, if you need more time and attention, with the FHIS tutors (not free).
- No extra credit.
- Late work will not be accepted.*
- No re-weighting of marks (ex. from a missed assessment onto a later assessment).*
- No make-up alternatives for missed in-class assessments.*
- No re-grading of marked work.*
- See also syllabus (2): The Rules
* except for students registered with Accessibility, in adapting the course to their accommodations; and except, in exceptional circumstances, for students who have applied for and been granted a concession by Academic Advising (see “Academic Concession” further below)
These rights, rules, and responsibilities are in addition to, not instead of, all policies and guidelines as supplied by the University, Faculty of Arts, and Department of FHIS. They apply generally across all sections of FREN 101. You are expected to be cognizant with University rules and regulations: this is part of the contractual agreement every student enters into with the University when they register.
Attendance and active participation are required. This regular work will not be graded. It is expected.
- Missing one class hour without notification:
- no questions asked
- no penalties
- Missing a second class hour:
- please complete an Arts Academic Advising student self-declaration form—you DO NOT need to provide any further details—and email it to the course coordinator; see also below, “Academic Concession”
- if you do not do so, your instructor or the coordinator will submit an Early Alert for you (also as that can put you in contact with UBC support services)
- no penalties
- Missing a third class hour and any further classes:
- please make a request for academic concession to Arts Academic Advising (or to your faculty advising office, if you’re not in Arts; students in the faculties of Applied Science, Land & Food Systems, or Science should contact the course coordinator.
- if you do not do so, your instructor or the coordinator will submit an Early Alert for you (also as that can put you in contact with UBC support services)
- Otherwise there will be penalties: loss of up to 10% of final grade (scaled according to number of classes missed and relative length of class, ex. a heavier penalty for missing a 3-hour class in a section that only meets once a week)
- If you miss a class in which there is a test: see here.
- If you are registered with Accessibility, the course attendance policy will be adapted to your individual academic accommodations.
- And also (for all students): if you miss more than 40% of your classes (15 class hours) you may be excluded from the final examination (see below, “FHIS Departmental Policies: Attendance”):
Technology Etiquette
Time spent in the classroom is designed to promote your learning. Digital technology is ubiquitous and when used in the classroom presents both learning opportunities and disruptions. At times, the use of such technology will be encouraged in class when appropriate: for example, using a tablet or laptop for research and for taking notes. In general, it is common courtesy to put devices such as cell phones away during discussions and other interactive work with other students, as alerts and notifications from devices can distract you and others. Hunching over a small screen—such as on smartphones and phablets—may also strain your eyes, neck, and back; and may have long-term effects on vision, posture, and general health. So, as a general rule please turn off cell phones during class time and put them away. (Exception: if you are registered with Accessibility, you may of course use whatever is suitable for your accommodations.)
Language Enrolment
The Department of FHIS reserves the right to refuse enrolment to any of its language courses to a student who has, in the view of the Department, a level of competence unsuited to that course. Enrolment at or below the level the student has already attained is not permitted.
Regular attendance and participation are expected of students in all their classes. Students missing 40% or more of their classes, regardless of whether their absences are avoidable or unavoidable may be considered unable to meet the “learning outcomes” of the course and may, on the recommendation of the course instructor, coordinator, or the Head of the department, be excluded by the Dean from the final examination. Students who are unavoidably absent because of illness or disability should report to their instructors on return to classes. Any request for academic concession must be clearly expressed (see below, “Academic Concession”).
Assignment Submission
The Department of FHIS expects that students will submit assignments as scheduled. Instructors are not required to make allowances for any missed test or incomplete work that is not satisfactorily accounted for. Any request for academic concession must be clearly expressed (see below, “Academic Concession”).
Academic Integrity Statement
As a scholarly community, we share an understanding of the ethical ways that we use and produce knowledge. A core practice of this shared value of academic integrity is that we acknowledge the contributions of others to our own work, but it also means we produce our own contributions that add to the academic conversation: we don’t buy or copy academic work, nor present as ours a document that has been translated by someone else or a translation software. We also don’t falsify data or sources, or hand in the same work in more than one course.
Any instance of cheating or taking credit for someone else’s work, whether intentionally or unintentionally, can and often will result in at minimum a grade of zero for the assignment, and these cases will be reported to the FHIS Department Head, and the Faculty of Arts Associate Dean, Academic.
See the UBC Calendar entries on Academic Honesty, Academic Misconduct, and Disciplinary Measures, and check out the Student Declaration and Responsibility. See Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism, from the Chapman Learning Commons.
UBC: Academic Concession
You may be eligible for academic concession when one or more of the conditions listed below unexpectedly hinders your ability to complete an assignment or participate in classes or an examination:
In all cases, your request for academic concession should be made as early as reasonably possible to your instructor or Arts Academic Advising. If you are not an Arts student, you should consult with your home Faculty for your concession.
The most appropriate type of concession (deferred standing, in-term-concession, late with- drawal etc.) will be determined by your unique situation and the academic requirements for your course.
You may be eligible for an in-term concession if you meet the following criteria:
- You missed a graded requirement in a course
- The course is still in progress
- You have been attending regularly and are up-to-date in the course
- Your studies were impacted for a short time
- You have grounds for academic concession
Please contact your instructor (or the course coordinator, if your instructor is a TA) via email as soon as you are aware you may need an in-term concession. They will adjudicate your first request. Please include a Student Self-Declaration form, found on the Arts Advising website. If you require a second concession, you must make your request to your Faculty Advising Office.
Department: FHIS Learning Centre
The FHIS Learning Centre is a free service available for students of all levels and languages of the FHIS curriculum (French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish). We offer student- centered conversation practice, tutoring (i.e. grammar and vocabulary questions), and help with the continued development of core skills (i.e. speaking, listening, reading, and writing) necessary for students’ success in acquiring and becoming proficient in the languages that we teach.
The FHIS Cultural Club is a departmental club that meets once a week to facilitate conversations among students enrolled in FHIS courses or to offer special cultural lessons related to different Romance Language Contexts. Language specific sessions meet once a month, so check the schedule and follow the FHIS Learning Centre and FHIS Department on Facebook and Twitter for details about specific dates!
- Facebook: FHIS Learning Centre, FHIS Department
- Twitter: FHIS Learning Centre, FHIS Department
Course: FREN 101 & 102 support
Syllabus (3): HELP provides links to help you and for you to find advice and assistance:
- French advising via the department of FHIS
- Academic advising in the Faculty of Arts and throughout UBC
- Where to find information and help for everything in UBC life: well-being, accessibility, health, security, finance, being an international student, and other matters of identity and being
- UBC policies and procedures, rules and regulations, and the Ombuds office
If in doubt, if you have any questions or worries about anything, please ask! This course, your class, your instructor, and your coordinator are a safe space and here to help. If we don’t know an answer—we’re human—we’ll help you to find someone who does. This is a community of care.
UBC provides resources to support student learning and to maintain healthy lifestyles but recognizes that sometimes crises arise and so there are additional resources to access including those for survivors of sexual violence. UBC values respect for the person and ideas of all members of the academic community. Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated nor is suppression of academic freedom. UBC provides appropriate accommodation for students with disabilities and for religious observances. UBC values academic honesty and students are expected to acknowledge the ideas generated by others and to uphold the highest academic standards in all of their actions. Details of the policies and how to access support are available on the UBC Senate website.
This course will be using the following digital learning technologies:
- UBC Blogs (WordPress)
- Canvas (in some sections: this is a matter of individual instructor choice)
Individual instructors might choose to use other or additional electronic tools that collect information on their use and users, and will inform you accordingly.
If your instructor uses your analytics data, this should only be for educational purposes and they should tell you why they are doing so. The course coordinator will only use your analytics data on Canvas to:
- view overall class progress
- track participation in discussion forums
- assess your participation in the course
It is possible that your analytics data might be used by others in the university; all analytics data use should be for purposes of teaching and learning, subject to your consent, in a manner that complies with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), and open to FOI request.
All materials of this course (course design and assessments; syllabus; class handouts, slides, notes, photographs of work on the board; etc.) are the intellectual property of (as appropriate) the Course Coordinator or Instructor, or licensed to be used in this course by the copyright owner. Students might (NB “might” and not “may” or “do”: this will vary from instructor to instructor, as it is their decision) have permission to record classes, but not to redistribute or sell these course materials. Cosmopolite 1 is copyright Hachette Livre. Redistribution of these materials by any means without permission of the copyright holder(s) constitutes a breach of copyright and may lead to academic discipline.
Including schedule of assessments: in bold.
Assessments in bold italics = group project: NB this is the general version of the syllabus in common for all sections of the course, and projects and their due dates may vary from section to section and instructor to instructor. Check with them in week 4.
SEMAINE 1 du 6 au 10 janvier 2020
- Topics (thèmes): Découvertes
- Grammar (grammaire): Verbe s’appeler, pronoms sujets, épeler
- WORK IN CLASS (travail en classe):
- Introduction
- Cosmopolite 1, Dossier 0 leçons 1-2
SEMAINE 2 du 13 au 17 janvier 2020
- Thèmes : Découvertes – Présentations et identification
- Grammaire : Le genre des noms de pays, l’article défini – L’article indéfini
- Dossier 0 leçons 3-4
- Dossier 1 leçon 1 + quiz about the syllabus (in English)
SEMAINE 3 du 20 au 24 janvier 2020
- Thèmes : Présentations et identification
- Grammaire : Les mots interrogatifs, le verbe être au présent, les verbes en -er, les adjectifs
- Dossier 1 leçons 2-4
SEMAINE 4 du 27 au 31 janvier 2020
- Thèmes : Présentations et identification
- Grammaire : Le verbe avoir au présent, les adjectifs possessifs, l’adjectif interrogatif
- Dossier 1 leçons 5-6 + Cultures (or alternative) + discuss project and set up project groups
SEMAINE 5 du 3 au 7 février 2020
- Thèmes : Voyages et logement
- Grammaire : Les prépositions, les articles définis et indéfinis, les prépositions de lieu, l’article contracté
- Dossier 1 révisions
- Test 1
- Dossier 2 leçon1
- ASSESSED WORK – in your second class / class hour this week:
- Test 1 = 10%
in class, 45 minutes, closed book, on Dossier 1; listening and reading comprehension, grammar, and writing - Cahier, Dossier 1 = 1%
for feedback, bring your workbook to your instructor’s office hours in the previous week; otherwise, just for completion to be recorded, bring it to class on the day of your test to show your instructor
- Test 1 = 10%
SEMAINE 6 du 10 au 14 février 2020
- Thèmes : Voyages et logement
- Grammaire : Les prépositions de lieu ; les verbes aller, prendre, et venir au présent ; la négation ; les adjectifs démonstratifs
- Dossier 2 leçons 2-4
- ASSESSED WORK – submit by end of week:
- Projet, étape 1 = 1%
the first stage of your group project (video); NB this is the general version of this assignment: check with your instructor, for your section
- Projet, étape 1 = 1%
du 15 au 23 février 2020
SEMAINE 7 du 24 au 28 février 2020
- Thèmes : Voyages et logement
- Grammaire : Poser des questions
- Dossier 2 leçons 5-6 + Cultures (or alternative)
SEMAINE 8 du 2 au 6 mars 2020
- Thèmes : Parler de soi (famille, travail, loisirs)
- Grammaire : Les adjectifs possessifs, le masculin et féminin des adjectifs
- Dossier 3 leçons 1-3
SEMAINE 9 du 9 au 13 mars 2020
- Thèmes : Parler de soi (famille, travail, loisirs)
- Grammaire : Les verbes de préférence en -er, le présent des verbes en -er, le verbe faire au présent, les pronoms toniques
- Dossier 3 leçons 4-6
- ASSESSED WORK – submit by end of week:
- Projet, étape 2 = 4%
stage 2 (writing), to be submitted on Canvas by the end of this week; NB this is the general version of this assignment: check with your instructor, for your section
- Projet, étape 2 = 4%
SEMAINE 10 du 16 au 20 mars 2020
- Thèmes : Parler de soi (famille, travail, loisirs)
- Grammaire : Avoir mal + les parties du corps
- Dossier 3 Cultures (or alternative)
- Dossiers 2-3 révisions
- Test 2
- ASSESSED WORK – in your last class / class hour this week
- Test 2 = 20%
in class, 45 minutes, closed book, on Dossiers 2-3; listening and reading comprehension, grammar, and open-ended writing - Cahier, Dossiers 2-3 = 2%
for feedback, bring your workbook to your instructor’s office hours in the previous week; otherwise, just for completion to be recorded, bring it to class on the day of your test to show your instructor
- Test 2 = 20%
SEMAINE 11 du 23 au 27 mars 2020
- Thèmes : Le quotidien (horaires, habitudes, sorties)
- Grammaire : L’heure, les verbes pronominaux
- Dossier 4 leçons 1-3
SEMAINE 12 du 30 mars au 3 avril 2020
- Thèmes : Le quotidien (horaires, habitudes, sorties)
- Grammaire : Les verbes lire et écrire au présent ; la fréquence ; les verbes pouvoir, devoir, et vouloir au présent
- Dossier 4 leçons 4-6
- ASSESSED WORK – submit by end of week:
- Projet, étape 3 = 10%
stage 3 (writing + video); NB this is the general version of this assignment: check with your instructor, for your section
- Projet, étape 3 = 10%
SEMAINE 13 du 6 au 8 avril 2020
- Thèmes : Le quotidien (horaires, habitudes, sorties)
- Grammaire : Les verbes choisir et sortir au présent, poser des questions, l’impératif
- Dossier 4 Cultures (or alternative)
- Dossiers 1-4 révisions
PÉRIODE DES EXAMENS du 14 au 29 avril 2020
- ASSESSED WORK – on day of exam
(date not yet known, exam dates t.b.a. by UBC around week 6)- Savoir-vivre = 10%
- Cahier, Dossier 4 + Bilans + completion = 2%
for feedback, bring your workbook to your instructor’s office hours in the previous week; otherwise, just for completion to be recorded, bring it to the final exam to show your instructor - Examen final (écrit) = 40%
final written examination, 2.5 hours long, closed book, on everything in the course; listening and reading comprehension, grammar, and open-ended writing
All work must be completed by the day of your final exam at the very latest. This is for a practical reason: your instructor has to submit their final grades for your class shortly after that final exam, and as it will take them at least a couple of days to mark the final exam (and they may have other exams to mark from other classes they’re teaching), they need all marks for all other work from the course to be ready by the time they have finished marking the exam and are calculating and calibrating final grades. That having been said, individual instructors’ policies may vary on amnesties for late work, ranging from none at all (all term work due by the end of the teaching term) to a few days after the final exam.
The date of the final examination is not yet known. It is not set by your instructor, the course coordinator, or the Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies; nor by the Faculty of Arts. They have no control over it. It is set by the Higher Authority that is Enrolment Services. The examination schedule will be available around half-way through the term, and exam locations will be posted shortly after. For more, see:
Information will be added and updated here accordingly, once it is known. Your personal examination schedule will be at the Student Service Centre; the complete examination schedule for all UBC courses may be consulted at
The examination period for this term runs from 14 to 29 April inclusive. It is strongly recommended that you not make any travel plans or purchase tickets until the examination schedules have been published: vacation or other travel is not an acceptable reason for absence from an examination.
Document last revised: 2020-02-05.
This is the open public version of a general syllabus for all sections of a course that has multiple sections and multiple instructors. The syllabus may vary from section to section; if / once you are registered in this course, your instructor will provide you with their syllabus. Details of the weekly schedule, for example, may vary somewhat from section to section and from instructor to instructor, but following the same general structure and order.
Sometimes a syllabus will need to be adjusted over the course of the term; that is in the nature of a flexible, responsive, interactive course in live action with human beings. Changes will only ever be in your favour: ex. if a deadline is changed for your class, it will only ever be moved forwards in time to a later date—never to an earlier one—and this will be done in consultation with you and your whole class.
If your instructor or coordinator sees a need to change anything after the syllabus has been distributed at the beginning of term, they will discuss the proposal with the class and then, if you agree to the proposed change, they will update the syllabus. A new, dated electronic syllabus will be emailed to you and provided on Canvas.

“L’arbre qui pense”