Namaste! Welcome to Nepal!

Rachelle and I arrived last night at midnight from our 13 hour layover in Hong Kong. While we were in Hong Kong, we did get out to do some sight-seeing, which included some pretty intense walking up stairs (and down stairs, and up more stairs) with our “carry-on” packs on, mine which was far too heavy for this sort of layover (I will learn one day what it means to “pack light”). Rachelle was much smarter. On arrival in Kathmandu, we were ushered off the plane and into the airport, where there was some waiting, and some more waiting. As we learned on our ride back to the guest house, there had been 5 planes that had arrived at the same time. INCREDIBLY FORTUNATELY for us, our fearless leader, Cathy was at the airport to meet us! While we didn’t see her right away, as we were accosted by 5 men trying to “help us” with our luggage and a ride, we did eventually spot her and we were reunited with hugs and smiles.

We were ushered to our vehicle (a Diesel Corolla!!! – to clarify, I have a Corolla, slightly newer, but felt right at home in the North American driver’s side while being driven busy streets at night) were assisted with our luggage, and eventually pulled away to go to our guest house. The ride was uneventful, though I’d be lying to say I wasn’t on the edge of my seat from time to time. Let’s just say there were a lot of people in cars very close together in tight streets, and driving that would rival that of most professional stunt drivers. We were duly impressed, and relieved to safely arrive at our guest house. We were warmly welcomed, offered drinking water and shown to our room.

After some unpacking, cold showers and the requisite chatting, we headed off to sleep, reflecting on just how lucky we are to have received such luxurious treatment here in Nepal. Traveling with Cathy gives me confidence that would be replaced with distress if I were doing this alone. Having friendly faces and logistical arrangements already made for us with known individuals, is such a gift. I feel so grateful to be here, and to be doing it this way. I feel so taken care of.

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