We are now four!

Emma arrived late on Wednesday night and joined us for our travels to come. It is so nice having her here. She has experience in Nepal and knows the area where we are staying well, so she has introduced us to restaurants that she loved when she was here last and has an intuitive sense of direction that none of us (except Cathy) possess, but all of us appreciate!

We leave for Pokhara tomorrow, and Cathy is quick to point out that we are not heading to the “known” Pokhara (it is known for being a very touristy destination) but the Nepali Pokhara, which like most of this country is a study in opposites. You see the most breathtaking kindness and joy in the unlikeliest areas, women dressed with care in beautiful colours against a stark backdrop, laughter and storytelling that will lift your spirits for days in places you wouldn’t think to enter. Yesterday this very amused little boy came running between Emma and I and looked me square in the face with the broadest grin and shook my hand. He just wanted to shake my hand. Then he bobbed along after someone who seemed to be his grandmother who smiled graciously. It was a brief moment in time, along a busy muddy road and yet it was something I’ll never forget.

Sure enough these experiences bring into stark relief the comfort and privilege of my own life. I feel so fortunate to have had the experiences in my life that have led me to this point. I can’t express my gratitude enough for all of my wonderful memories. Life is hard here, but people are joyful. They are quick to return a smile, easy to laugh, carry wisdom in their eyes. Life happens here because of people, not in spite of them. So, in honour of those people, I will continue to flash my big goofy grin, clasp my hands at my chest, Namaste and bow. And I will continue to tell stories and to reflect on my own memories to process everything that goes on here. It is different, to be sure, but it is lovely.

**Side note: should you not hear from us for a few days, fear not! We’ll be travelling to Pokhara and won’t have quite so easy access to the internet there. We’ll remain there until May 2, at which point we will head to Jomsom to begin a workshop and teaching trek, where we very likely won’t have any internet at all. We aim to be back in Kathmandu on May 19. We will be reflecting on our thoughts likely with pen and paper and may transcribe those thoughts onto the blog during flights between destinations once our travels here come to a close.


  1. Hi there Jaq, so proud of you, so glad you had it in your heart to do this. Hoping it makes your heart fuller, if that’s possible, and that you bring back many memories to share with us all. Love Auntie Cindy

  2. Lovely to read your entries gals! I can hear your voices and see your gorgeous smiles as I read each blog. Sending you love and strength and space to take in this incredible experience you are on. xo

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