Flexible Learning in the ISW and the classroom!

As many of you know, our team has been pioneering the inclusion of Flexible Learning in the ISW.  Thank you to all of our facilitators that have contributed to making this project a success!  Additionally, one of our facilitators Jan has been involved with applying Flexible Learning to develop a unique new course.

Flexible Learning in the ISW implemented by our Graduate Facilitator Team has been recognized at every level at CTLT, including being highlighted on the CTLT home page.

Our team also joined with the Faculty Facilitator Team and the broad ISW community in BC to host a Professional Development Day, written up by a participant Sylvia on her blog!

Jan has been a TA twice now helping develop a new Flexible Learning course with Prof. Sens.  Check out how Flexible Learning has been implemented, combining two diverse fields into one dynamic course!


One comment

  1. The flexible learning approach has added value and depth to the experience of an ISW. It also taught me a great personal lesson; about the time I was starting to feel comfortable running my ISW’s (because I felt prepared with some lesson plans) the flexible learning was introduced. I wanted to use it but, I “had to” re-design my lessons…. Soon I realized it was exactly this process that I enjoyed so much about being a facilitator: the combination of creativity and spontaneity in adapting my lessons to a new environment. As a facilitator, I can support my learners best when I am flexible in my lesson plans to foster a unique (ISW) experience.

    I will use flexible learning in my next ISW, the next one, and the next one – but in moderation. Participants seem to make better use of it when they are not overwhelmed by too many modules.

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