Using post-it check lists on the doors to keep the facilitators informed of the other small group’s progress

In order to make sure both small groups finish around the same time on the occasions we needed to go back to the large group on a specific time, we used the following simple tool. We posted a half-page check list, like the one shown below, on the door of each room with a marker close at hand. This way, each facilitator could simply check off the stage and min-lesson they had just completed. This proved to be a convenient way of knowing where the other group is at without interrupting them, and adjusting the cycle pace if necessary.



  1. LOVE this idea. We had a session where although my group was much slower, they did not want to speed up because valuable learning was happening, and the other group was really frustrated they had to wait so long. To have the other group able to check in on our progress and plan accordingly is huge.

  2. This is a really smart idea. We did a similar thing in the August ISW where we had mismatched small group numbers and it was crucial to stay on track.

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