
Clean Up Your Room
For Small Group

Props needed:  Soft objects to throw – at least one per participant and a way to mark 2 halves area used for the activity

Form two groups facing one another in a line. Draw an imaginary line in the center. Give each person at least one soft object to throw. Explain the imaginary line is the center of the room and they are responsible for keeping their side of the room clean by throwing all objects to the other side.

When the sound is made time is up and the side with the “cleanest room” wins.

Lesson Plan: Kolb’s Learning Cycle

Kolb’s Learning Cycle

B (3 minutes; 0-3)
Numbers code (#)
Provide number list – concrete experience
Learners try to solve – reflective observation
Provide conceptual framework – abstract conceptualization
Learners solve – active experimentation
Ask learners to write a three digit number now that they know the framework

P (8 minutes; 3-11)
Learners place what they did in the context of 4 verbs: do, think, conclude, and adapt
1. Draw the process/sequence you went through (individually) (1 min)
2. Share ideas in groups of 3, compare/contrast (3 min)
3. Combine and draw process in groups of 6 (all on one large sheet of paper) → have them discuss at the end; think about why they did this, etc -write down on the board if there are similarities, etc. (4 min); 3 for drawing, 1 for talking

O (1 minute; 11-12)
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to describe the Kolb’s Cycle, define the different stages, and have experienced applying Kolb’s cycle to a numbers problem

P (6 minutes; 12-18)

In same groups of 6, learners match Kolb terms to 4 verbs and draw, then establish the sequence of the Kolb’s terms (give handout – what the words are, etc.) (3 mins)
Share their drawings with the whole group (2 mins)

Instructors unveil Kolb’s Cycle and describe to all learners (1 min)

P and S (7 minutes; 18-25)
Four minute thesis (4 mins):
1. Did you go through all of Kolb stages?
2. Can you start anywhere in the sequence?
3. Applicable to all learning situations?
4. Apply to your own teaching?

Group discussion: above four points, process of solving the numbers game in relation to Kolb’s, does it work or not? (3 mins)

Next time

Last week’s ISW: I felt like my Lesson Basics theme sessions were not as strong as they could have been, and then felt like those aspects were lacking in my group’s mini-lessons. Could be anecdotal, but left me with a real motivation to have those theme sessions in good shape for my next ISW, and hopefully that will be reciprocated in the mini-lessons.