The Problem behind PS4’s Problem


Recently PlayStation 4, a gaming console released by Sony, is probably one of the most popular topic in the tech industry. It is the most advanced gaming console that might change the way people entertain and as a matter of fact, the 1 million sales within the launch day has already changed the history of gaming console.

Behind the glorious achievement, however, a serious quality problem have captured the attention of the public. It is reported that a number of gamers have found that their PS4s simply do not work. In the meantime, Chinese press has reported that the workers of Foxconn who manufacture PS4s claimed on the Internet that they intentionally did not put their effort into making the products and they even just take some parts of the machine away. The workers explained that the reason why they did this was because Foxconn treated them badly and in return, they wanted Foxconn to do badly.

This event is really a clear reflection on how important the relationship between the workers and management is. If the managers care little about his team, they will receive the bad result from them.

It is still not clear what the consequence of Foxconn will be but it is foreseeable that it will not make Foxconn happy.


Picture available from:

Refernece article: Rumors of Alleged Foxconn PS4 Sabotage Are Sketchy, At Best (Click to read).


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