
Literally, that’s all I can say.

My MUG name was Meiosis, don’t make fun of the nerdiness of it, there were several other  geeky science-y MUG (My Undergraduate Group) names. And I was on Squad 66 since I’m in the Coordinated Science Program (CSP). My MUG leader was Jason Lee and he was great! And hilarious and so full of energy it was hard to be sleepy. Though by the end of the day I was pretty wiped.

The Wow factor for me was the pep rally. Just. Wow. It was just so huge, there were so many people. It was so intense. Super intense. And now the science cheer is forever stuck in my head.

We are science, we’re so fine
Physics, Bio, Chemistry, 
You can’t handle our degree!
Sci-ence, U-B-C! 

I ALSO MET PEOPLE IN CSP, which is logical considering the fact that my squad, and therefore my entire MUG, was CSP students BUT STILL! The excitement of not having to face these classes alone is a big relief. It’s fun to be feeling things other than anxiety and nervousness.

*Sidenote: Has no one noticed the crazy amount of acronyms at UBC? It’s a bit crazy.

Okay! I will try to remember to eat well and sleep well!


Oh the cheers you learn…

I feel like there are a lot of things in store for me here at UBC.





So after a summer of rest and relaxation it’s finally time to get back into it.

And of course getting back into it is something completely different now. I used to go to a  private school, so my “getting back into it” used to consist of uniforms, school supplies, finding out which locker was mine and checking which friends were in my classes. Now…it’s a little different.

Getting back into it comes with a whole new checklist, which has categories for OTHER checklists. Supplies, clothes, schedule, books, tuition, UPass, music… my mind has been a whirlwind already!

To be honest, first year scares me more than anything right now and that nagging feeling in my gut telling me to run-away-and-don’t-turn-back is probably going to get worse, but being positive is key to keeping my head above the water. And the same goes for any other first year!

So I thought I’d share a few tips that I’ve been following (or WILL BE following) religiously:

5. Don’t procrastinate! Procrastination is like a terrible parasite that creeps into your mind and whispers “Go check your facebook” or “I think you really do need to play another game of Super Mario”. Do your best to stay focused when you need to!
4. Remember to relax and have fun! Yay contradictions! But in all honesty, I studied so hard in my senior year of high school and forgot to relax a lot of the time, and it just stressed me out even more. Find 5, 10, even 15 minutes of your time where you just relax and take a deep breath. I recommend watching an episode of The Regular Show and/or Adventure Time. It’s important to balance work and play!
3. There’s probably 2342452342397345 other people in the same boat as you are right now. …Literally, there might be that many, UBC is pretty huge. So don’t be afraid to make friends. Start with a classic “I’m drowning in anxiety because I’m new to post secondary and everybody scares me, want to be friends?” line. I know it’d work on me! …Just kidding, just say hi. Introducing yourself can go a long way!
2. Be organized. I’m the kind of person that’s probably half-tornado. Agendas and planners are useful things. Calendars too! Don’t be afraid to plan things out, it doesn’t make you nerdy, it makes you prepared.
1. Take it one day at a time. If you’re like me and the mere thought of all of these new courses and new people and new teachers is overwhelming then just stop thinking so far ahead to those stressful times (like exams) and just take it slow. Remember that each day you get through will be a victory. And soon enough we’ll all be graduating.

I don’t think I’m in any position to be giving out advice like I’ve experienced anything huge but these are the top rules I’m going to be following and I know it’ll probably help me out.

I hope everyone has a good start to the year.

Cross your fingers and wish me luck because I tried a little pre-reading and realized just how different chem labs in high school are from university. So … yeah, cross them fingers that I don’t blow something up?