
So I got an email from UBC about being invited to Chem Info Night…

Usually I ignore these, right? But this one made me feel good.

Fact: I am feeling completely overwhelmed academically and I feel totally out of my game in UBC right now. (Aka I used to be the smart kid and now that rug has been ripped out from under me…) But that’s besides the point.

I did fairly decent in Chem 121 (In fact, it’s one of my success stories for first year) but this semester I’m back in that “Oh my gosh how did I even get in this school” and a lot of “What am I doing with my life I’m totally going to fail every course I’m in right now.”

And then I got an email inviting me to Chem Info Night, here’s a snippet of the enormous paragraph right at the get-go:

"Your outstanding performance thus far in first year chemistry at UBC has been 
noticed and shows that you have a real aptitude for this subject."

And it definitely made me feel good. SURE, THEY MAY PROBABLY SEND THESE TO EVERYBODY. Kind of like flattering the receiver so that they come to the event. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. It made me feel good.

Small comforts, guys.

Small comforts.

PS: If you wanted info on the event they gave me a link in the email so here it is: CHEM YAY


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