Sense of Community

When I first found out about the Coordinated Science Program (CSP), I was seriously against it. My older sister did it and I was really sick of doing what she did. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized it might actually be helpful. (Plus I may or may not have been too lazy to choose my own schedule…)

What I realize now is just HOW helpful CSP really is.

Socially, I’ve met so many new people and have gotten at least 10 new numbers on my phone and at least more than a dozen new facebook friends. Everyone’s all smiles in CSP and it’s so much easier to adjust to university life. 

Academically, I’ve received help for classes by some of the smartest people I’ve met. I learn in class from the questions my fellow CSP-ers ask. And all the new numbers and facebook friends will definitely come in handy when I want to get a study group going.

I talked with a friend of mine who is in general science and she’s telling me how hard it is for her to make friends and meet people, how it isn’t easy because everyone in her class is different and sometimes she’s too shy to introduce herself.

The root of my advice here is to find a way to be involved in a community. Right now for me it’s CSP and Blog Squad. Just knowing that there are people out there I have things in common with is a comfort. Whether it’s a club or a sport or even a study group, that sense of community and friendship makes the transition a lot easier.

However, don’t stuff your plate too full of extra-curriculars if you’re taking 5 courses (like I am). It’ll make things more difficult than easy. Just join one thing at a time until you have a definite idea on how you can handle your school work (after all, above everything, that’s what you’re paying to go to UBC for). Take things one day at a time and keep your head up! …Don’t get behind on readings either!

(Now I’m just cramming all the advice I can into one post)

If you didn’t get into a program like CSP, there are LOADS of opportunities for community and new friendship. I’ll link the club site…. HERE. 

IN FACT, Clubs Days are coming up! They’re on September 19th, 20th, and 21st in the Student Union Building (SUB). Go wander about the clubs, find what you’re interested in and join it!

Knowing you aren’t alone makes getting up and going to school a lot easier. Just like in high school, we all like school because of our friends. So go make some!


Definitely don’t be afraid to introduce yourself. Anyone who acts rude after you introduce yourself with a friendly smile don’t deserve your friendship! You never know they might be just as shy and need someone else to make the first move but if you don’t then everyone’s running around the same circle. So… BE A MAN AND DO THE RIGHT THING. … Or woman. …Just say hi.

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