From South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy
Dear friends:
We are pleased to announce that Arundhati Roy will be on air at Vancouver’s Coop Radio (102.07) on Saturday, September 13, at 10 a.m. Mordecai Briemberg of the Red Eye Show of the Coop Radio will be interviewing her from her base in India.
The focus of the interview will be Arundhati Roy’s most recent article, “Azadi” (Freedom), published in the Outlook magazine of New Delhi, in which she provides a detailed account of the current situation in Kashmir, and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. Here is the link to the article:
“Azadi” by Arundhati Roy


Download file
CAP students (12 groups of 25 each) will be working on this Treasure Hunt assignment over the next couple of weeks. Julie Mitchell and I are co-teaching the sessions and we will be putting up the envelopes and taking them down after each session. We will tell the students to be considerate of others in the building but if you see too much horseplay, please let me know and we’ll revise the assignment.
Thanks everyone!

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Think you’ve seen it all at UBC? Well, if you’ve never been to the Pacific Museum of the Earth you are missing out on one of the coolest places on campus. That is, if you are a big nerd like me.
If you are a dinosaur fan, you can see a fantastic, and rare, Lambeousaurus (a weird omnivorous duck-billed dinosaur) skeleton just a short walk from Koerner at the Earth and Ocean Sciences — Main Building 6339 Stores Road. It’s open Mon-Fri 9-5 and admission is by donation. And if you have young kids, it is a nice family outing, not to mention a welcome break from the busy Space Centre.

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A patron was working on a document on one of the computers, and purchased a rewritable CD from the circulation desk. I tried every way I could think of to burn the file to the CD, but it kept on failing with various errors. She ending up going back to circulation and buying a floppy disk.
I assume that since we sell CDs that we are able to write to them from the library machines – could someone please recommend a method?
Thanks, Francesca

A patron called in this afternoon wanting to know why there weren’t any subject headings attached to the record for Foreigners at Rome; Sheryl took the call and found subject headings for this title on WorldCat- and fixed the problem, but if I’d been alone on the desk, I would have sent this to the Classics subject librarian to fix. Other suggestions? We did check, and luckily it wasn’t a case of all of the subject headings in the UBC catalogue disappearing on us… just this one title.
-Christina H

The Arts Lab is “closed for maintenance” this weekend.
A couple of students who’d intended to work on Dreamweaver in there today were mightily disappointed. We called over to the Chapman Learning Commons on the off chance that Dreamweaver has been installed on computers over there, but no luck.

Study carrels are available for reserve. Please direct students or faculty to the circulation desk.

Hi all,
Here is a copy of the HSS Phone Voice Mail Guidelines Download file
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Hi all,
To print to the Reference area printer from a laptop, type “HUMANITIES” for the printer name. Tracey will be putting yellow stickers on the printers with the printer name.’

Now that Gustav is almost over, Hannah is just getting started, and the federal election hasn’t yet been called, you may find yourself with nothing to stress about. If so, check out the Atlas of Shakemaps for Selected Global Earthquakes which offers maps and data on 5000 selected earthquakes.
– Tim

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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