
I blog about educational development, facilitation, and teaching. 

As of March 2018, I am blogging more regularly at (my coaching site). I will still occasionally blog here.


Please click on the tags at the bottom of the page (in the black shaded area) if you would like to find a post on a particular theme. For example, to find posts I have tagged with “educational development”, you would click on that word at the bottom of this page.

Photo credit: Colors by Jon Cornwell (CC BY)

  • The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace

    I recently read the book “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace” (co-authored by Gary Chapman, who wrote the “The 5 Love languages” and Paul White). It is a quick read. The authors of the book write about an approach they call “motivation by appreciation”. They propose that appreciation is a key element to a healthy,…

  • Scholarship of Educational Development

    I recently read Deandra Little‘s article titled “Reflections on the State of the Scholarship of Educational Development“.  I’ve had the pleasure of hearing Deandra present at different conferences and enjoy her work; this article was no exception. Below, I have written down a few quotes that particularly stood out for me during my first read of…

  • Silent Socratic Dialogue

    Anyone who teaches knows that, in a given class, there are students who talk readily and others who don’t. As a way to “hear” the thoughts of those who don’t normally speak out loud, and as a means to find out what students were thinking about a topic/concept that I had introduced the class before,…

  • Immediate and Specific Feedback Helps Learning

    Since attending the 2015 STLHE Conference last week, I have–once again– been thinking about the key role of feedback in promoting learning.  It was Marsha Lovett’s keynote, in which she spoke about deliberate practice, that has re-surfaced the importance of immediate, informal feedback, specifically as a way to improve one’s performance of a skill. I’ll…

  • My “baby” is now a hairy young man

    My son turned 14 yesterday. Whenever he has a birthday, I quietly celebrate my motherhood. I also think about Loïc ’s home birth and see him, small and lying on my chest, just moments after he exited the womb. Here he is, I thought. My son. Yesterday, we celebrated joyfully with a family dinner. With…