Conference presentations

Conference presentations (prior to 2010)


Iqbal, I. (2010, June). How do pre-tenured faculty and tenured faculty members understand the peer review of teaching? Poster presented at the International Consortium of Educational Development Conference. Barcelona, Spain.

Iqbal, I. (2010, February). Faculty engagement in educational development – The influence of departmental culture(s). Session presented at the Annual Winter Conference of the Educational Developers Caucus of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Kamloops, Canada.

Boelyrk, A. & Iqbal, I. (2009, July). Conceptions of development and their connection to teacher growth. Workshop presented at the International Conference for the Improvement of University Teaching, Burnaby, Canada.

Iqbal, I. (2008, October).  Unearthing the Missing Links: Educational Development—Teaching Practices—Learning Outcomes. Workshop presented at the conference for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Edmonton, Canada.

Iqbal, I. (2008, June). Beyond happy sheet evaluations: Research into educational development. Paper presented at the conference for the Canadian Committee of Graduate Students in Education, Vancouver, Canada.

Iqbal, I. (2008, March). Beyond happy sheets: the scholarship of educational development. Session presented at Educational Studies Research Day, Vancouver, Canada.

Iqbal, I. Johnson, J., Cassidy, A., Poole, G. Chan, J. Bonic, S., & Sipos, Y. (2008, February). Mentoring graduate students in the educational development profession: Conversations with graduate students and educational development mentors. Session presented at the Annual Winter Conference of the Educational Developers Caucus of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Richmond, Canada.

Prior to 2008

Iqbal, I. (2007, February). Not another certificate: The passport program. Session presented at the Annual Winter Conference of the Educational Developers Caucus of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Guelph, Canada.

Iqbal, I. and Thomson, B. (May, 2006). Teaching portfolios: Reflection and growth. Session presented at the University of British Columbia Learning Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Iqbal, I. (2004). Mothers’ experiences of French mothertongue maintenance: Re/Gaining fluency in a linguistic minority. Paper presented at the Joint Conference of the Adult Education Research Conference and the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, Victoria, Canada.

Iqbal, I. (2004, July). Mothers’ experiences of maintaining their French mothertongue. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Imagination and Education, Vancouver, Canada.

Iqbal, I. (2003, April). Critical literacy and mothertongue maintenance. Session presented at the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Regional Conference, Vancouver, Canada.