Allium sphaerocephalon
Common Name —— drumstick allium
Family —————— Amaryllidaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 4 – 8
Height/Spread ——– 0.5 – 1.0 m / 0.1 – 0.5 m
Water ——————– dry to medium
Soil ———————– well-drained
Sunlight —————- full sun
Leaves —————— gray-green; narrow
Flower —————— deep green, then purple red
Blooming Time ——- June – July
Fragrant —————- leaf; onion-like
Propagation ———– by seed; dug and divide mature bulbs
Limitation ————- prone to downy mildew
Strength —————- low maintenance; drought tolerant
Use ———————– as ornamental plant; in rock garden, flower beds
ID ———————— distinct green-red flower head