Thymus serphyllum
Common Name —— mother-of-thyme
Family —————— Lamiaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 4 – 8
Height/Spread ——– <0.1 m / 0.1 – 0.5 m
Water ——————– dry to medium
Soil ———————– well-drained
Sunlight —————- full sun
Leaves —————— small; aromatic; dark green
Flower —————— deep pink/purple; showy
Blooming Time ——- June – July
Fragrant —————- leafs
Propagation ———– by seed; by division; by cutting
Limitation ————- prone to root rot; do not tolerate traffic
Strength —————- drought tolerant
Use ———————– as ground cover for small area without traffic
ID ———————— purple flowered ground cover