Tag Archives: Water

Where Does Your Water Bottle Go?

Let’s be honest, at some point in our lives we’ve bought a water bottle.  Or two.  Or several.  Even though we know that we can help the environment by filling out our own reusable water bottles with tap water we don’t.  Why?  Mainly because of bottled water’s convenience, its portability, the different flavors available sometimes, and we were thirsty at the time, or maybe it was because we saw some person coughing their brains out at the nearest water fountain and we didn’t want to get any of their gross germs.  Ugh.  Well, I’m guilty of buying bottled water too.  After seeing this informational ad, I am motivated to not buy them as often.  You should be too.  Tap water doesn’t kill.  Neither does giving time and energy to fill your bottles.  Don’t buy bottled water.  Recycle if you do.  Do your part.  It helps.

Tap water FTW!  Haha 🙂