
Daniela Díaz: Rarámuri Chaperón Mask

LAST303 Podcast by Daniela Díaz Azcunaga. Episode 1.2, describing a Rarámuri (Tarahumara) Chaperón Mask, typically used in dancing ceremonies, housed at the Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City.


Daniela was an exchange student at UBC during the 2019-2020 academic year. She is majoring in Politics, and her favorite podcasts are Today, Explained and Se Regalan Dudas. During her year at UBC, Daniela published a piece in Medium about the femicide crisis in Mexico.


Joseph Bouchard: Shipibo-Conibo Joni Chomo Vessel

Arti-Facts podcast by Joseph Bouchard. Episode 1.2, describing a Shipibo-Conibo jar from the UBC Museum of Anthropology. Joni chomo means “water vessel” in Shipibo.


Joseph is a third-year student at UBC majoring in International Relations and minoring in Latin American Studies. His favorite podcast is CSIS Events.