Face 5: Market Status

The e-learning sector has witnessed impressive growth in recent decades.  The Global E-learning Market accounted for $165.21 billion in 2015 and is predicted to reach $275.10 billion by 2022 (Costello, 2017).  Factors favouring market growth include increased favorability of flexible learning, low cost, improved accessibility and effectiveness of online learning platforms, increased number of internet users and growing number connected mobile devices (Costello, 2017).  

IXL is a private company that has an estimated annual revenue of 8.8 million in the e-learning sector (Owler.com).  IXL Learning’s top three competitors include TenMarks, Tabor math and PracTutor.  It should be noted that TenMarks’ market share is 3.6 times more revenue than IXL while Tabor and PracTutors each generate about half as much revenue as  IXL (Owler.com).   

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