Jessica Kestell

Week 3

Posted by in Blog Post, Long Practicum, Practicum

This week I picked up Culinary Arts 11/12 (CA 11/12), which at first had me very nervous. With my back ground in cooking being strictly “home cooking” the work culinary had me slightly spooked. However I have quickly realized that I have nothing to be worried about and everything to be excited about. This group of students are very keen and excited to cook. While some of these have not been in a cooking class since grade 9, that hasn’t stopped then from being curious, enthusiastic, and compassionate towards their (green) teacher! Their…read more


Promising Practices – Pro-D

Posted by in Blog Post, Fraser Heights, Inquiry, Practicum

Cedar weaving today at Promising Practices – for Aboriginal Education  Ms. Zaklan and I had a wonderful time! Learning, bonding, exploring…and above all having fun! Things I Learned Today: Learned how to cedar weave a head band out of cedar bark stripped from a cedar tree. I gained a broader understanding of the struggles educators have working with aboriginal families. It became clearer to me how important it is to consider the cultural differences of all to be able to make solid connections with students and parents of these children, but…read more

Week 2

Posted by in Blog Post, Fraser Heights, Practicum

  This week was my first week teaching Foods & Nutrition 11/12. I was pretty nervous going into a senior class right away. Ya know a classroom filled with stronger personalities, confident teenagers, and curious minds…but to my surprise they were very accepting of me as their teacher for the next 10 weeks. My one concern was evident, cell phones! I think the biggest challenge I’m going to have with my classes is getting them to put their phones away and be in the moment focusing on the task at hand. But one…read more


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