Tying It All Together
“…We rightly expect young people to be beyond the sandbox, but movement is still a vital form of learning for many adolescents, whether schools recognize it or not.” [i]
Student engagement goes hand in hand with kinesthetic learning. To achieve greatness in this field of learning the relationships I aim to establish with my students, their parents, and other educators will be essential throughout this process. I understand the obstacles I may face throughout this exploration of learning and teaching, but above all I set sights on my students’ growth and expansion of hands-on learning. The importance of mastery in my own craft is never ending. By continually showing my investment towards my students and constant exploration of food and nutrition, I hope my students will continually invest in their interests, well-being, and further learning.
[i] Pirie, B. (1995). Meaning through motion: Kinesthetic English. The English Journal. 84(8), 50.