The product and its Actual uses.

Here’s a funny comic strip that i have recently seen posted by my MIS professor:


In my opinion, what the comic strip demonstrated was the failure of communications between the different channels of production and how products are advertised and marketed aren’t how they actually are when used in reality.
Firstly, we see that in every stage of the design process, everyone put their own creative view of the project to transform it into something totally different from what was required from the customer. Although sometimes it would give consumers a product that’s even better than what they wanted, it usually isn’t the case. As we can see, from the project leader to how the operations were installed, the project has been constantly decaying to the point that the swing wasn’t even seen anymore.
Another problem that can be seen from the comic strip is the over-exaggeration of the product from the marketing campaigns and business consultants. In common practices, usually for expensive products like an ipad or iphone, most of the costs are not from the creation or the development, but rather from the marketing and advertising. Therefore, the only reason the consumers are being billed the price of a theme park would be because of costs irrelevant to production and functionality of the product itself.

Personally, i would hope that the firms put more effort into designing and the actual functions of the product, and the product will most likely sell itself.

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