Kakao Talk’s Marketing Strategies

I agree with Seng Hyun Lee’s post about how successful Kakao Talk’s marketing strategies are. It is top download in the App Store and the most successful social network service across iPhone and Android platforms in Korea. It has been Korea’s biggest application success story and inspiring other Korean application developers and start-ups.


Furthermore, Kakao Talk has approximately 1 million users overseas and this figure continues to grow by ten thousands users per day. It has tried to go into partnership with many Korean companies and has plans to open the service in a few Asian territories and the US this year, gearing up to face tough competition from many other messaging services in America like Facebook and Twitter.



The compelling and different systems that Kakao Talk is exclusively offering, including photo and video sharing and group chat, is anticipated to capture more non-Korean users. In fact, I have lots of international friends who are using Kakao Talk.

Kakao Talk solved the problem of text messaging which is high price. I know the price for 500 texts per month is often $15 or more…. but Kakao Talk makes sure I never pay for texts. Also, as he mentioned, there are lots of useful functions like audio clips, voice talk, and funny emoticons. I often use them to my family and friends for fun. It is also possible to invite multiple people to a text conversation, which I found really efficient in family gathering or work situations where several people need to communicate. When I type letters once, all my family members can see my text.  It is conducive to time saving.

In my opinion, the only real problem with Kakao Talk is the fact that, because it is an online instant messenger, I can text only with others who are using this application. Also, it is pretty complex to old generation; my grandparents had a difficulty dealing with this application for a long time and still feel uncomfortable with it. Therefore, I cannot text my grandparents for free. Since many old people also use smartphone now, why does not Kakao Talk target them by changing to simple style but same functions as the original Kakao Talk?


Information about Kakao talk:


Go Together!

Co-branding can be profitable when the two brands share similar business philosophies. 

“Starbucks and Uniqlo brand co-branding”  Starbucks and UNIQLO collaboration: An image of the model is printed on the cup and can be “dressed” by three different outfits on the coffee sleeves. It gives off the impression of dressing the model and combines the conservative, calm image of Starbucks, with the young, and energetic UNIQLO. (http://blog.naver.com/hs963135Redirect=Log&logNo=20171771069) (http://www.yeongkeun.com/works) (http://www.behance.net/gallery/AD-sleeve/3806483)


What is Co-branding

Co-branding, also called brand partnership, is when two companies form an alliance to work together, creating marketing synergy.

 “The term ‘co-branding’ is relatively new to the business vocabulary and is used to encompass a wide range of marketing activity involving the use of two (and sometimes more) brands. Thus co-branding could be considered to include sponsorships, where Marlboro lends it name to Ferrari or accountants Ernst and Young support the Monet exhibition.”

If you read the textbook, you know there is information regarding co-branding of Samsung phone and Armani.  Giorgio Armani, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., and Microsoft cooperated the new Giorgio Armani-Samsung smartphone, the most elegant and functional mobile on the market. This phone outstands due to the innovative blend of Giorgio Armani’s sophisticated style and Samsung Electronics’ cutting-edge technology. As Armani commented, a smartphone which is not only an elegant tool but also functional and useful, perfectly suited to every moment of one’s business and private day.



Other Co-branding examples: http://images.businessweek.com/ss/09/07/0710_cobranded/3.htm



Do you guys believe Co-branding is always efficient? Do companies always make a huge profit using this strategy?

Like everything in the world, Co-branding has both merits and demerits……


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Co-branding



Reinforcement: By co-branding multiple products a company can create a deeper impression on the public. A wider range of products can do more to enhance a particular brand image than just one product.Signaling: Co-branding is a way of signaling various forms of information to consumers. If a single product is associated with multiple brands, that signals the two companies have invested their good names in its success.Value: By combining multiple products under a single brand, a company is able to take advantage of its previous investment.

Increased Market: Co-branding can increase the visibility and market share of both franchises

Share Costs: Co-branding allows individual franchises to share promotional and running costs. This can be especially important with national franchise brands.

Share Reputation: Co-branding can allow franchises to share a reputation. Consumers generally develop positive associations with their favorite brands, and these can transfer to the co-brand.

Competition: A significant disadvantage for smaller businesses that have yet to fully establish themselves in any market. Larger competitors are able to leverage already popular brand names to new products and compete in a way that new businesses may not be able to answer.Confusion: For brands that are less well known, co-branding may create confusion. A consumer may be familiar with one brand and inclined to buy it, but then be put off by its mix with another that he or she is not as familiar with.Financial Issues: The need for a intricate joint-venture and profit-sharing agreement. Reaching an agreement on co-branding can be a time-consuming and complicated process, generally involving lengthy negotiations and complicated legal agreements.










Change Your Word Change Your World


What do you think of this video? Changing some words gains much emotional appeal and wields greatly influence on his life. Emotion is conscious experience that is characterized primarily by psychophysiological, expression, biological reactions, and mental states. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion) Since it is so complicated and mysterious, sometimes we cannot control our emotions. Also, we humans cannot deny our emotions!


In almost all commercials we watch today, we will notice that they hardly ever tell you something about the product being sold. Advertisements mix the use of sight, sound, color, motion, and often humor to put forth an effective message. Within a short period of time, these commercials can catch our attention and convince us to buy their product. Playing off emotions is one of the most efficient ways to entice people to go shopping.  



A long time ago, police in Iksan (which is a city and major railway junction in North Jeolla Province in South Korea) were having trouble with drivers speeding through their small town. Patrolling, citations, and all the normal strategies were unsuccessful. The signs on the edge of town said, “Speed Limit 50 mph.” Iksan police officers grappled with the problem of over speeding and one of them hit upon an idea of making a change. He replaced the old signs with new one that suggest, “50 mph or 60,000 won.” (60,000 won is about 55 Canadian dollars.)  Before long, drivers slowed down and the problem was solved. Those drivers in Iksan were too concerned about where they were going or what they were doing to care about following the law. Only when the emotional appeal of losing money was presented did the message break through.

 File:MUTCD R2-1.svg


Here are three emotional appealing advertisements of Thai insurance company. They are touched a lot.

Silence of Love: Thai Life Insurance Commercial (English Subtitled)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBobmn_u98w

The Saddest Commercial Ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpf2hsZGsJM

Thai Life Insurance (Mae Toi)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bvy_11pxzA

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