
 First of all, I am really happy to meet my wonderful team members. Each of us has unique characteristic and personality and they lead our team to success.  Like almost of others, the most exciting assignment is a video project and I remember we died laughing. It was a really good experience!



Teamwork is an influential thing that can lead to wonderful success in the business world. After doing several group projects, I am able to develop the skills and functions to work alongside other people. I learned leadership skills, following skills, and communication skills. These skills are basic things that should be learned in my life to be able to obtain the success I needs to make it in life.

Before taking Marketing in UBC, I thought it is just advertising so it is an easy field. Thanks to COMM 296 with passionate professor, I came to realize what marketing means in life, how fun but difficult it is.


I had a marvelous time on both COMM 296 and group projects. Thanks!:)

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