
U-Pass (Image from Google)

I believe weeks ago most of us have voted for keeping the U-Pass B.C. Program. The new price for student transit pass will increase from $30 to $35 in May 2013, then $36.75 in May 2014, and finally would rise to $38 from May 2015 to April 2016. The article U-Pass prices increase for Metro Van students mentioned the proposed price increase is not ideal,  but the use of U-Pass still saves lots of money comparing with a regular adults transit pass.

I am a student who is really dependent on transit system, not only for my school life but also reflecting in my daily life. In weekends, It provides me with a relatively convenient way to hang out with my friends, shopping, visiting, etc. During weekdays, I experienced tough time in waiting in long line to catch a bus to school.  Especially during rush hours, it’s even harder to get on a vacant bus; and sometimes buses do not arrive on time. According to this, an increase in price will not be a good deal if transit program could provides students with more convenient transit environment. More buses during rush hours and arrive on time!  A term transit card instead of monthly one could be used to reduce waste cost.