Meet Visiting Student, Flurina!

For 8 weeks in the fall of 2018, Swiss student Flurina Jenal visited our laboratory before beginning to Master’s at Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich. Flurina assisted with many of our ongoing studies and also led the development of a pilot project to investigate the potential neuromodulatory effects of posterior tibial nerve stimulation. Flurina was also able to attend SFN 2018 with our laboratory in San Diego during her visit.

We wish Flurina all the best with her graduate program and hope to collaborate with her again in the future!

New Systematic Review on Recovery of Balance in SCI

Previous master’s student Cynthia Tse published a systematic review in 2018 analyzing the efficacy of task specific rehabilitation interventions in improving sitting and standing balance function in individuals with SCI. This article identified further need for research on training interventions to improve balance control. Find the whole article here.

Congratulations to authors Cynthia Tse, Dr. Amanda Chisholm, Dr. Tania Lam, Dr. Janice Eng, and the SCIRE research team.

New Paper on the Use of Vision for Skilled Walking in SCI

In January 2017, Raza published his Master’s work which explored the role of sensorimotor integration of vision and proprioception in ambulatory individuals with SCI while obstacle crossing. He found that vision was more important for obstacle crossing for ambulatory individuals with SCI compared to able bodied controls, due to proprioceptive deficits. Want to learn more? Read the full article here.

Congratulations to authors Raza Malik, Rachel Cote, and Dr. Tania Lam.