Theories of Mixture: Hybridity III
Posted by: Brian | March 24, 2009 | Comments Off on Theories of Mixture: Hybridity III
This article was somewhat confusing. However, there is one point that Canclini makes that I agree in part with, but not totally.
Canclini says that the state uses folk culture to attract tourists. On many levels, I agree with this. I think that in countries like in Mexico and Brazil, this is more obvious than in others. But in countries like Costa Rica, where a nation’s identity is still in question (I mean we have beautiful naturre, beaches, great people) what does the government take in order to attract tourists? This is where I think Canclini generalized his thoughts of states using folk culture because of personal experience. In Costa Rica, tourists come for nature and having a great time mostly outdoors, but I know that seeing McDonalds, Burger King, international banks and this kind of thing is a definite bonus for travelers. Sometimes I think we get the amount of tourists that we get because it reminds them so much of home (excepts for a few details), and they feel safe there. So, in this case, I think the state uses perhaps US mass culture to attract tourists and make Costa Rica a more attractive destination.