Our LAVA meeting this week (Wednesday June 10, 3pm PT, on Zoom) will be led by Fabian Froehlich.
Fabian Froehlich joined the Faculty of Education as a graduate student in 2018. Specializing in Media & Technology Education Studies Fabian’s research focuses on inclusive instructional design through educational technology. He is a SOTL-specialist (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) at the Centre of Teaching and Learning Technology and worked for the Learning Analytics Team of UBC as a videographer.
From Fabian:
The presentation summarizes findings of my master-thesis: social network analysis as a progressive tool for learning analytics. In order to investigate the following research question: “Do students presented with social network analysis data on online course discussions adjust their engagement behavior?”. A quasi-experiment was conducted relying on an embedded mixed-method research design. Students (n=18) participated in three online discussions. Two online discussions allowed students to access social network analysis visualizations through Threadz, a Canvas plugin. The overall inquiry focuses on how this exposure of learning analytics data might influence the students.
If you would like to attend but are not part of the LAVA emailing list, please contact Alison Myers (alison.myers@sauder.ubc.a) for the Zoom information. You can also request that Alison add you to the LAVA mailing list, where we share information about upcoming LAVA sessions.