Calgary Foundation Agriculture Awards – Online Applications Open

The deadline for the Calgary Foundation Agriculture Awards is fast approaching!

Shannon Burwash Award for Leadership and Excellence in Equine, Agri-Business and/or Agricultural Studies seeks to attract and encourage horse-oriented students to pursue post-secondary education so they are better prepared for leadership and excellence in the equine industry. Multiple awards valued between $1,000-2,000, applied directly to tuition.

Friends of the Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation Award supports applicants entering second year or beyond in an Agriculture or Agriculture-related program, demonstrating community involvement and good academic standing. One or more awards valued at approximately $1,000, applied directly to tuition.

Dr. Scott Rairdan Memorial Agriculture Award supports applicants in any year of study in the field of agriculture when an emphasis on Animal Science, Agribusiness or Veterinary Medicine, demonstrating leadership and active participation in extra-curricular activities. One or more awards valued at $1,500 minimum, applied directly to tuition.

Smillie Family Education Award support applicants in their first or second year of study in a program that can lead to a career in agriculture, education, or health care, demonstrating leadership and volunteerism in school and the community. Two awards valued at $2,000 each, applied directly to tuition.

For full award descriptions and to apply, please visit

The deadline to apply is June 1st at midnight.  

To access the Student Awards Online Portal, select ‘Apply Now’ under the award listings on the awards webpage. If there are any questions, please contact

Best of luck!

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