Promoting Food Security in Higher Education: Virtual Conference Series

The Promoting Food Security in Higher Education conference is a unique opportunity to explore links between campus and community-based efforts to change local food environments and build community-wide food security. Sessions will explore research, affordability, Indigenous food sovereignty, student leadership and food service experiences to catalyze our campus communities for whole systems change.

Click here for conference speakers

All conference sessions will be recorded and made available soon at this link.

We’re looking forward to having you join us!

RSVP for sessions here.

Western Canadian Dairy Seminar

The virtual seminar is spread out over 5 days (2-3 hours per day) from March 8-12, 2021.The virtual (online) version gives you the opportunity to hear from speakers presenting on a range of topics, including calf health, nutrition, and reproduction.

We will be hosting an interactive Exhibition Hall with 40 industry sponsors,  virtual tours of 3 progressive dairy operations, a student research presentation competition and poster presentation competition plus the always popular producer panel.

This seminar is designed for people who want to improve their knowledge and decision-making abilities in dairy production and management. Dairy producers, technology transfer specialists, researchers and dairy service and supply representatives will find this seminar extremely valuable.

The organizers of the Western Canadian Dairy Seminar are proud to serve the dairy industry and look forward to joining you online at the seminar!

View the program here.  Registration rate is $50. See our registration page for more details.

PRSSS Spring Workshop and Annual General Meeting

The PRSSS will be hosting the annual Spring Workshop and AGM online this year. They will be featuring soil scientists and experts from many disciplines discussing key issues related to Biodiversity in Soils: Environmental, Social, and Economic benefits in a changing world.

Registration cost will be $15 for students and $50 for non-students*. The price includes registration and a PRSSS annual membership for 2021/2022. The 2022/2022 membership registration cycle lasts from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

For more details, and to register, CLICK HERE!

*If you, or someone you know, are unable to pay the registration fee at this time, please email us at and we can make other arrangements. Soil science is for everyone, and cost should not be a barrier to education. If you identify as Indigenous and would like to attend the event, we will waive the registration fee to reflect the fact that the soils we study are on stolen land, therefore all soil science research should be openly available to Indigenous peoples.

The Agricultural Land Reserve in BC: Challenges, Controversies, and Opportunities.

Date:Tuesday, February 5, 2021

Time: 2:00pm – 3:00 pm

In response to public concerns regarding the loss of prime agricultural land in BC, the provincial government responded by introducing BC’s Land Commission Act on April 18, 1973. The Act designated Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) boundaries based on biophysical information related to the natural characteristics of the land and its climate, rather than on the market and other socio-economic conditions. To administer the ALR, the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) was created as an independent administrative tribunal. Regional governments submitted ALR plans to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) based on their guidelines and on maps provided by the BC Department of Agriculture, which identified lands that have the soil/climate combination to support agriculture and that were not already urbanized or irreversibly alienated. Although the ALC has been controversial since its establishment, it continues to receive public support as it has responded to several amendments to the original Act to address public concerns and emergent issues. Although successful, challenges continue. More info.

Event Link

Meeting ID: 631 9889 5621

Passcode: 521521

Pacific Regional Society of Soil Science – Spring Workshop and AGM

Biodiversity in Soils: Environmental, Social, and Economic Effects
Saturday, March 6, 2021
The PRSSS will be hosting the annual Spring Workshop and AGM online this year. It will feature soil scientists and experts from many disciplines discussing key issues related to Biodiversity in Soils: Environmental, Social, and Economic benefits in a changing world. There will also be a student poster competition.

Registration cost is $15 for students and $50 for non-students. The price includes registration and a PRSSS annual membership for 2021/2022. The 2022/2022 membership registration cycle lasts from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

For more details, and to register, CLICK HERE!

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