Approved Course Listing for Registration with the Agrology Profession in BC

BC Institute of Agrologists

Articling Agrologist (AAg) Application:

For courses not in the “Approved Course List for Registration” please include course descriptions to assist in the official review. Note: Stand alone lab courses, seminar courses and work experience courses/co-ops are not accepted; appropriate directed studies, field studies, special topics, advanced studies and thesis courses are considered on a case by case basis; supporting documentation is required such as a final paper.

Access the course list from the link below.


Vancouver Fruit Tree Project Society Seeking Board Members

The Vancouver Fruit Tree Project (VFTP) is a volunteer run, community based, registered charity that has been tackling local food waste and food insecurity in Vancouver since 1999.

They are looking for individuals with an interest and/or experience in the following areas:

  • Fundraising
  • Event Planning
  • Community Partner Development
  • Food Security
  • Policy Analysis & Development
  • Grant Writing
  • Technology/IT

They are looking to fill the position of:

  • Member at Large

How To Apply

To express interest in the VFTP board please email them with a little bit about yourself, your skills and experience as it relates to the role, and why you are interested in joining the Vancouver Fruit Tree Project Society Board.

Any questions and to express interest, please email:

Please indicate you saw this posting at FoodWork.

21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge

Food Solutions New England will host its 8th version of the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge from April 4th to the 24th in 2022.

The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge is simple!

You commit to deepening your understanding of, and willingness to confront, racism for twenty-one consecutive days in April of 2022. The Challenge will raise your awareness, change your understanding and shift the way you behave.

However, the Challenge goes beyond individual or interpersonal racism by helping to demystify structural and institutional racism and white supremacist patterns that are sometimes invisible to people. Finally, the Challenge inspires you to act, on your own or with others in your organization, business or group, to dismantle these systems, to make changes in your work and the world that can build true equity and justice for all.

Learn more here:

Field Course Opportunity: Introduction to Field Soil Classification and Assessment

BCIT is offering a field-based course that introduces the basics in soil classification and field descriptions and assessments using the Canadian System of Soil Classification (CSSC) and other common techniques used in natural resource management, including forestry, arboriculture, natural areas management and ecological restoration. Students will gain hands-on experience digging soil pits, interpreting soil horizons, hand texturing, differentiating soil humous forms and analyzing the implications of their findings for various resource management applications. This 12-hour course includes 10 hours of field training with hands-on exercises at two different field sites in the Lower Mainland. The course begins with 2 hours of introduction online prior to the field days. Students are required to arrange their own transportation to the field sites. This course is applicable for anyone working or studying in natural sciences, ecological restoration, forestry, resource management, arboriculture, planners, stewardship outreach and education.

Thu May 27 – Sun May 30

Cost: $285.00

See the BCIT webpage for more information.

National Dairy Shrine Scholarships

The National Dairy Shrine offers more than $35,000 in scholarships for college students. A wide variety of scholarships are available from freshman just beginning their college career to graduate students. Scholarships offered include:

  • NDS Student Recognition Award for Seniors
    • Value: 1st: $2,000; 2nd: $1,500; 3rd and greater: $1,000. Number of awards id dependent on number and quality of applicants and availability of funds.
  • NDS Merton Sowerby Junior Merit Scholarship
    • Value: 1st: $1,500; 2nd and greater: $1,000
  • NDS Mike Lancaster Sophomore Merit Scholarship
    • Value: 1st: $1,500; 2nd and greater: $1,000
  • NDS/DMI Milk Marketing and Dairy Products Scholarship
    • Value: 1st: $1,500; 2nd and greater: $1,000
  • NDS/DMI Education and Communication Scholarship
    • Value: 1st: $1,500; 2nd and greater: $1,000
  • Iager Scholarship for Two-Year College Students
    • Value: Up to 2 at $1,000 each
  • NDS Maurice E. Core Freshman Scholarships
    • Value: $1,000
  • NDS McCullough Freshman Communications Scholarship
    • Value: $1,000
  • Klussendorf/McKown Scholarships
    • Value: 7 at $1,500

All applications are due to the National Dairy Shrine office by April 15, 2021.

Eligibility and application details can be found through this link.

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