Job Opportunity: UBC Campus Animal Care Technician

Position Overview:

The UBC Vancouver Campus is looking for a full-time Animal Care Technician that would be providing for animal health and welfare within the Center for Comparative Medicine as part of assisting in research. The research at CCM encompasses a broad range of topics from furthering basic medical sciences, to enhancing our abilities to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease in human and non-human animals.

The Animal Care Technician would be responsible for the daily maintenance and care of large laboratory animals. Training will be provided on the job. Work schedules could include weekends and holidays.

Compensation will range from $4,150 to $4,529 monthly ($49,800/year to $54,348/year).

Where to Apply:

Deadline to apply: December 7, 2021

Application Page and More Information on the Position


Indigenous Youth Program Coordinator – Deadline November 22, 2021

Deadline to Apply: November 22, 2021 or Until Role is Filled

Environmental Youth Alliance is looking for an Indigenous Youth Program Coordinator to lead land-based programs for Indigenous youth in East Vancouver, including designing lesson plans and sharing cultural and/or personal knowledge of harvesting and working with plant medicines and relationship to the land.

See the full job posting here.

Paid Summer of 2022 Internship on Goat Cognition in Germany

Dear colleagues,

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers each year a paid internship for undergraduates from North America, UK or Ireland to come to work in Germany for about 3 months. This year, we again submitted an offer and are eager to host a student to assist us with our new goat cognition studies (brief outline attached) in summer 2022.

It would be amazing if you could circulate this advert with your classes and/or forward it to students that might be particularly interested in this opportunity. Thanks so much!


Christian Nawroth, PhD
Institute of Behavioural Physiology
Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology

Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf

Tel: +49 38208 68-805
Twitter:  @GoatsThatStare

Looking for a MSc Student Interested in Mental Health and One Welfare to Apply ASAP // For Senior Undergrads

Hi folks,

I’m looking for a domestic student to apply for a Mitacs/Mental Health Research Canada internship and MSc looking at dairy and beef farmer mental health (and how it relates to cattle health and welfare).

If you know of any keen students, could you please let them know or let me know? They would need to apply to the university today (or early next week) but I have the Mitacs/MHRC application almost complete.

Thanks so much,


Meagan King

Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Manitoba

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