Category Archives: Opportunities to Get Involved

UBC Triathalon Duathlon on Mar 11, 2017 – volunteer opportunities available

UBC’s 32nd annual Triathalon Duathlon is happening on March 11th! There are a ton of amazing volunteer opportunities available and we need all the help we can get. This event is TriBC sanctioned and allows students to meet and work … Continue reading

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Mission Impulseible Food Development Competition – deadline Mar 28, 2017

Pulse Canada will be sponsoring the Mission Impulseible food development competition. The theme this year is:  “Create an innovative pulse-based food product targeted to Millennial consumers that qualifies for the use of the Pulse Brand.” The Pulse Brand is a … Continue reading

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Volunteer Call-Out for Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC) – deadline Feb 25, 2017

Applications are now open for students to volunteer for the 2017 Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC), which will be happening from March 23 to 25, 2017. As you may already know, MURC is a unique opportunity for undergraduate students as … Continue reading

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Applications Open: For-Credit Internships at UBC Farm/CSFS – deadline Feb 19, 2017

Food System Career Development Internship applications are now open! Please share this posting through your networks to reach potential candidates. The Centre for Sustainable Food Systems is currently accepting applications for a diversity of Food Systems Career Development Internships. Available … Continue reading

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Food Systems Career Development Internships – deadline Feb 19, 2017

Food Systems Career Development Internships are now open! Applications due Sunday, February 19, 2017. The LFS Career Development Internship (LFS 496) prepares UBC students professionally and academically for future careers through a mentored learning experience with a real food business … Continue reading

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Undergraduate Research Awards (NSERC USRA) Application – deadline Mar 10, 2017

Apply for work positions doing research with faculty members in LFS. Deadline to apply is March 10, 2017. Please review all eligibility requirements and application details here.

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LFS Career Week – Feb 6-10, 2017

Tell your friends CAREER WEEK 2017 is here February 6 – 10! LFS is grounded by science, but global in scope! Learn how you can make the most of your degree. We have EIGHT fantastic events made just for YOU! … Continue reading

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Volunteer with LFS|US Wednesday Night Dinners

Looking for more volunteer opportunities within LFS? Want a free meal? Come volunteer with LFS|US Wednesday Night Dinners every Wednesday, meet some great people, cook some delicious food and get more involved within our faculty! LFS|US WND is a student … Continue reading

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Imagine Day Orientation Leader application – deadline Jan 29, 2017

Apply to be an Imagine Day Orientation Leader! This is great way to get involved with LFS and you gain many transferable skills while bonding with other LFSers. We are looking for a diverse group of Orientation Leaders who can … Continue reading

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SEEDS Sustainability Program Project Recruitment

Recruitment Advertisement: The UBC SEEDS Sustainability Program, in collaboration with representatives in the UBC Sustainability Initiative, is looking for student(s) to utilize photovoice to tell UBC students’ stories and experiences with sustainability on campus. Specifically, we are looking for a … Continue reading

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