Category Archives: Mark Your Calendars

International Development Week (IDW): Becoming the Change, Feb 4-7, 2014

To commemorate the 24th year of IDW, The Simon K.Y. Lee Global Lounge and Resource Centre is holding a series of events from Feb 4 to Feb 7, 2014. Join us to learn more  about international development and engage in discussions … Continue reading

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LFS|US Wednesday Night Dinner – Jan 29, Lebanese Theme

Today’s theme for the Wednesday Night Dinner is: Lebanese! Come down to Agora at 5pm for an awesome 3-course meal for only $5! Bring your own cutlery/tupperware to skip the line. See you there!

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LFS Careers: Importance of Professional Presence on Social Media Workshop, Feb 5

Did you know that 70% of employers have rejected a job candidate because of information they found about that person online? And that 85% of employers say that a positive online reputation influences their hiring decisions? (Microsoft study)  There, fore … Continue reading

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*updated*Tri-Nations Education Conference – Mar 29-30, 2014 (Call for Papers due Feb 16)

*Update* The Call for Papers has been extended to February 16, 2014! Submit your proposal at . 2014 Tri-Nations Education Conference March 29-30, 2014 The University of British Columbia | Vancouver, Canada ————————————————————————————— Internationalization in Education: Its Nature, Challenges and Possibilities … Continue reading

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APBI Get-together: Life After Applied Biology – Feb 11

Attention APBI students! You are invited to “Life After Applied Biology” a careers themed get-together in Agora, Tuesday, February 11, at 5pm. We’ll have a presentation on networking skills followed by a panel discussion by LFS alumni talking about their work experiences since … Continue reading

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Mar 14: Networking Opportunity with Non-Profit Organizations

The United Nations Association in Canada – Vancouver branch is excited to present the first annual Think Global, Link Local Networking Breakfast! The event takes place on March 14, 2014 from 8:30-10:30am at Floata Seafood Restaurant. If you’re a high school or university student, recent … Continue reading

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Launch a Career in Canada – Mar 6

Launch a Career in Canada is the largest networking event dedicated to supporting international students for career development at UBC. Every year, over 200 international students are provided with the opportunity to connect with employers and UBC international alumni, to … Continue reading

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Jan 23, 3-5pm: Dietetics application help. Hosted by NutriSocial

Prospective dietetics students can have their resume and cover letter reviewed by current dietetics students (in 3rd and 4th year). The session is free for NutriSocial members, $2 for non-members. Students can also sign up for membership for just $5. … Continue reading

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Innovate youBC Culture – 2014 Mental Health Symposium, Feb 1

On Saturday, February 1st, students, staff, faculty, community members, and parents will be coming together to engage in a dialogue that raises awareness and fosters collaborative action toward a shift in campus culture that values and supports mental well-being. When? … Continue reading

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Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) Community Cafe: Creating a Safe(r) Campus, Jan 21

Students, staff, faculty and community members are invited to join for an evening of dialogue, creativity and critical engagement. Help us explore what a safe(r)and healthier campus community would look like and how we can creatively approach the thoughtful design of such … Continue reading

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