Multiliteracies in ELA Classrooms

Consumer or Marketer?

December 6th, 2012 · No Comments

As I was riding the bus home the other day, I sometimes take a gander at the signs that are above our heads. I started laughing as I saw this…(sorry about the bad quality photos, it was taken with my stellar blackberry haha)

I am a little unsure as to what exactly the ad was for, but it was the first time I had ever seen something like a Tagxedo outside of a classroom.

Needless to say I also say this on this morning…

It made me realize that sometime we will be using ways to get our students interested in thing, like we are advertisers for education. We want the goal to intrigue, inspire, and get the consumer to “buy” my product. I want them to want to learn, to read, to be engaged in the activities that I am putting forth in my classroom.


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