Multiliteracies in ELA Classrooms

Media Project #1: slash san francisco

July 11th, 2013 · 1 Comment

Hi! Feel free to watch the video that we created sans technological interruption!

If you’d like to read more about how we came up with the idea and the final product, you can find it here: Media Project #1- slash san francisco. Enjoy!

Ellis, Annie, Katherine, and Mary

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1 response so far ↓

  • TMD // Jul 17th 2013 at 7:46 pm

    Dear Annie, Ellis, Mary and Kathryn,

    I greatly enjoyed this creative and powerful Instagram/snap-to-beat artistic work the first time I viewed it, and was delighted to find I could watch it again without interruption on YouTube tonight. In your write up you observe, “As a group we feel that we learned a lot about technology in the process of completing this project and we feel that this would be an excellent learning opportunity for students as well to engage with different technologies as a means to creatively represent a text.” Your investment in the process — in terms of capturing the images, filtering them, and teaching yourself the necessary video editing features — was evident. I was highly impressed with your autonomy and resourcefulness.

    I agree with your assessment of the Polaroid element in Instagram. Your final video certainly does convey this sense of capturing moments of human life — the rhythm of human life. I would love to hear in greater detail about Ellis’s process of determining how to set the images to music — even to see a few other “cuts.”

    Many teachers to whom I speak worry about assigning work requiring the use of digital media because they would not be able to troubleshoot. Your process is a perfect example of the sort of learning that is possible when students are given the reins and a fairly broad scope of possibility. I hope you’ll not mind my using it as an example outside of the class. I am also aware, though, that one day we may check YouTube to find the video taken down. Sweeps are done regularly for copyright infringement using a program YouTube developed called “Copyright ID.” Apparently this application allows copyright holders to submit their copyrighted work to the system; those submitted copyrighted works are then run against uploads. So I’ll have to grab it while it’s hot, so to speak. Please let me know if you would rather I not use it as an example.

    I very much look forward to seeing your respective media projects tomorrow!

    Best regards,


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