Multiliteracies in ELA Classrooms

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Wordle Poetry

September 20th, 2012 · 1 Comment


here is a worlde reading of one my poetry projects. because i consider “the common english words” to play a pivotal role in the work, i decided it should be included. the word “Her” actually appeared more frequently in the text, than “the.” In the attached picture i was able to cut out “the” so to put more emphasis on the other words. this alternative method of actually ‘reading’ my own poetry brought forth many aspects of the work that i either was not aware of, or would not admit to. for instance, my choice of words prove the work to by quite lyrical. In some sense even clique.


in the following picture, i removed the “common words” and was surprised to see a few things. to begin with, the months that are part of the poems chronological titles seem to play a larger role in this reading. now i see the work to be a lot more confined to a temporal framework that i had assumed.


my preoccupation with the human frame, also, easily comes through, with words such as: body, eyes, face, hand, arm, arms, legs, cheek, hair and so on.


another aspect that surprised me was a domestic undertone, with words like brother, father, sister, and mother, which i had otherwise not intended nor noticed.


the first rendition of the words, including the common words, it self looked like a poem. i unfortunately lost the image, but it even made syntactic sense.

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