Daily Archives: May 12, 2020

Hello all to who may find my content interesting

Greetings to all the visitors to this blog.

I am excited to be introducing the course that I would be taking throughout the summer of 2020.
The course that I am about to introduce is ENGL 301: Technical Writing.
ENGL 301 is a course that teaches people the fundamental principles of both written and online communication methods in a professional context which is particularly important in work setting.
The content that the participants will be engaged in would include discussion, preparing abstracts, proposals, applications reports and online documents such as emails, texts, Web Folio and networking.
Since this course will be delivered in a full online environment, students are expected to work independently with the help of the instructor, using the schedule that is listed on the course website as a guide. Dr. Erika Paterson, who is an instructor in the Department of English will be delivering the course content to the audience.

The course was composed to target students from many different backgrounds such as commerce, education, science and more and it is composed of 4 different units. The units to be covered are as follows;
1. Principles, Practices and People in English 301
2. Designing a Report Proposal; Defining Terms with Audience in Mind
3. Designing a Report Outline & Draft; Building your Resume and Job Application Skills
4. Drafting the Formal Report; Peer Review and Final Report; developing networking strategies

The main assignments that students will need to complete are the Formal report, the Application Package on Linked-in and the Web Folio. These assignments will be presented in the form of a UBC website at the end of the term. Aside from these major assignments, students will also be completing smaller assignments which would be graded by the instructor throughout the term.

By the end of this course, I hope to be developing valuable skills in writing that could be utilized in the professional work environment. The course will not only teach me how to write but also the skills in online writing.

Now, let’s begin the journey. 

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