Refund your Smile


I have previously read an article about how to achieve High Quality Customer service. SMILE, as apparent as the human nature, is one BIG TIME SELLING tactic to lure customers in a physical market place.  It is studied and that every human being, consumers, buy into smiles (in real physical life). Because Smiling made us feel good, feel healthy, and feel positivite.

However, the question arise : How do we effectively CREATE this personal contact  and deliver “SMILE” in terms of customer service in this virtual, lack of physical contact viral world ? 

Though it is an difficult challenge to translate a physical real life smile in the virtual environment, there’s creative measures to conquer the lack of real life interaction online.

It boils down the the 7Cs’ : Context*, Content, Community, Commerce, Communication, Connection, Customisation.

  • Context* :  Everything online is about APPEARANCE. 
  • Visual appellation is the most important ! COLOURS & Pictures , minimal words(clear & informative) are best website to surf.
  • SMILES creation : The Positive combo of carefully selected WORDS, COLOURS, PICTURES and interactive materials (Videos).
  • Tip: Videos will be your closest to establishing real life interaction, thus SMILE alot in your video.  

  • Remember “3 clicks – 8 seconds rule”. I find this rule true. Visitors are especially annoyed if there’s broken links and takes long time to load. Best maintained website WILL capture visitor attention if this rule is followed. 

Marketing The One (P&G)


Fired P&G

As I’ve visited Benny’s blog (  It struck me that this information (as Benny showed) is “The” type of information that a CEO based decision upon.Our real life example: P&G’s recent job layoff after the CEO found out it is FREE to advertise on social media! 


Just to re-post the graph that captured my attention from the original post: 

“eMarketer estimate that social network is set to grow nearly 50% in 2012, and advertisers will spend $7.72 billion on social network , this year’s growth will be even faster than in 2011. By 2014, eMarketer expects nearly $12 billion will go to social network advertising worldwide.”

I agree that the social media phenomena is true, as I have noticed this growing TREND of how online influencing our daily life, decision making. 

How has Trend influences on Decision Making:

“Recently, Procter & Gamble’s CEO had made cut on marketing jobs after he realised marketing on Social Media – Facebook was free, or with little costs.” Read Business Insider “Why lay off 5700 employees” for more information.

  • Arguably, it is the right decision to lay off 5700 employees.
  • 2 Reasons:
  1.  P&G ad budgets $10 annually was too bloated, but is not achieving its sales target in traditional media. This graph explains it all.
    Their percentage Sales is NOT reflected as though P&G’s marketing budget continued to grow  from 2009 -2011 Marketing Cost.
2. Information on Online marketing is clear sign to tell which medium is working. Visionary companies have shifts from traditional strategies to online Ad marketing as realised from Online Market research. The information (bar graph below & social media graph) has clearly indicated what strategies companies should adopt.

“Sensible companies try to peg their ad budgets as a strict percentage of sales so that they can monitor the efficiency of their spending. It’s called managing your margins.That discipline was lost at P&G in recent years and only rediscovered yesterday. That’s the explanation for why 5,700 of P&G’s 130,000 people won’t be working there any more.”

I believe this brief analysis on the P&G’s problem can demonstrate how powerful information, market indication, and market trend SHOULD be monitored for companies to succeed, and learn from mistake.


Hunting Season

Your new eyes to see things

I’ve recently encountered this advert image on a blogger’s website . This advertisement is captivating in the following ways:

1. Not your average shopping advertisement showing all the females with shopping bags. Instead, its a cloth hanger as a bow.

Pictures says a thousand words. Audiences will understand this advert straight away thus is successful in promoting the message. It is provoking an some kind of (dangerous, risky, fun, yet rewarding) adventure that a young adult would like to from this shopping experience .

2. Gender bender. The shopping experience becomes is instead, a hunting experience. This strips down the male-female stereotypes regarding shopping. Thus, reaching broader target markets.

The connection with e-marketing is that

i. the advertisement used online communication medium in one page format that we’ll see on newspaper. Somehow, the message is amplified vastly through the online medium. It is effective method for marketers to spread message using online mediums, if given the time and location is right.
ii. The power of online medium is spreading (linking from one to another -clouds). You can start with little or many channels, videos, tweets, facebook pages, and blog.  Thus, for marketers, it depends on your business and WHO your target audiences are, and HOW you’d like to reach to your target.
I’ve recently read an article that small business ie. on campus pizza is most effective with Twitter if their target market is student. Promotional methods can be more flexible than ever as you can use tweets to capture trends and behaviors (and sales of course). You can post : 10% off  after 8pm, or 3 slices + free drink on weekend etc. giving you all the chances to test your promotional methods at a very very minimal costs.
I’d suggest business to keep up with Twitter for quick, informative, instantaneous impact to influence their business, as Twitter is the quickest way to reach the audience. Remember to link the promotion with one EFFECTIVE, IMPRESSIVE image that leaves your customers to hunt you down.

p.s. please follow my twitter if you have one,!/AiyoJHui

Thank you !

Slave your Chocolate

Its February and its the time of the year to show LOVE, AFFECTION, SINCERITY.

Do you actually know Child Slavery is part of the main ingredient for your Chocolate?

Children are trafficked, smuggled, sold across borders in West Africa to cocoa plantation owners and never to return home. They are barely fed, sleeps in storage house, work 70-100 hours per week, beaten to work, not a penny being paid, tortured if they attempt to run away. They are to carry up to 40kg of cocoa harvest – all these for YOUR Chocolate.

But big corp. use effective marketing to Conceal and Hide the truth.  Customer unknowingly consume TAINED Chocolate. No Right Human would reject their own HUMAN RIGHT. 


You dont have to eat the chocalate to feel sick

In support of Stop-the-Traffik and Child slavery (myself),this blog is to spread the voice.

Ten years ago the chocolate industry signed the “Harkin-Engel Protocol”, a promise to eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labour (including trafficking and hazardous work) in the cocoa sector of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, where two thirds of the world’s cocoa is grown.



Child Slavery, ChocolateAn estimated 1.8 million children work on the small cocoa farms in these countries, growing and harvesting the core ingredient of the chocolate we eat. Many of these are working under what is know as the Worst Forms of Child Labour, which includes trafficking, slave-like conditions, and hazardous work.

In the same period as the Harkin Engel Protocol has been in effect, from 2001 to 2011, the global revenue from cocoa products was an estimated USD 1 trillion. That’s $ The cocoa industry therefore certainly has the financial means to tackle the problem.

However, none of the Protocol’s six articles calling for action were fully implemented, and the required industry-wide change in the cocoa sector has not taken place. The promise still hasn’t been met.


10 Campaign is an informal worldwide coalition of major civil society organizations working in sustainable chocolate.

Chocolate shouldn't cost a children life

Their partners include STOP THE TRAFFIK, International Labor Rights Forum, World Vision Australia, Fairfood International, Stop Child Labour – School is the best workplace, Südwind Research Institute, Berne Declaration, FNV Bondgenoten and the Confédération Syndicale Burkinabé, as well as various individuals with extensive experience in sustainable cocoa.

Girls its time to munch up on chocolates. Guys, valentine is good reason for you to buy chocolate. But please support fair trade, and READ the description before you savour your chocalate.



Welcome to Jing Hui ‘s first blog.

e-Marketing class has been proven interesting and fun as Ivan’s provided alot of career helper tips and resourceful websites that is provide great insights. I am motivated to learn as much as I could out of the class and gaining all the careers tips.

The Web 2.0 is all about constant users content. We are all about SHARING, Faster, Easier, and hungry for information (hence, with help of Facebook amplified our Stalking skills).

The internet has made it easier than ever to improve on sharing with everyone all over the world.To us, it seems like everything in our world to have a connection to one another, which define against geographical limits, that its magically all in the “cloud”.

The idea behind this is cloud computing.

This is a great place to be because everyone is in this one cloud, which means there are lots of opportunity. I was reading on an article, and found out about the person who utilise this idea is a 25 year old young man Ben Kaufman, CEO/Founder of, is a place for inventors and product developers to be.

Their idea is simple. You’ve got an wonderful IDEA or DESIGN for a product?! Go on their website, tell them your design and they will Manufacture and launch the product into the market for you! At the same time other people who like your idea can help out your to improve your product, and everyone can help you out.

Quirky Video

It doesnt matter what’s your origin, Quirky is all about the process of bringing the global community together and stimuli everyone to grow on the same path / idea together.

My personal thought, Quirky is still under the radar, but this is a very well marketable idea with full of opportunity to grow. I think this is one great example of integrating the 4Ps with people and community in this Cloud.