Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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Entries Tagged as 'Miscellaneous'

#056: America can’t say no!

March 26th, 2009 1 Comment

Currently listening to: “Sixteen Military Wives” – The Decemberists I love this video so, so, so much. (Thank you, Kathleen, for introducing me to hours of procrastination; now I have to write vignettes about the characters in this video or something equally random and obsessive like that OKAY) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F_YiavSsus Snark + Model UN = aces […]


#055: The return of the mad hatter

March 25th, 2009 Comments Off on #055: The return of the mad hatter

Currently listening to: some trumpet major practicing études After a record 11 days of not blogging, I am back in the blogosphere, having been driven sufficiently mad by the past week-and-a-bit’s onslaught of papers/schoolwork and elections and work and well, life in general. It never ceases to amaze me how tiring just…being awake…can be. Suffice […]

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#054: drabbles in lickety-split

March 14th, 2009 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “All Grown Up” – bare: A Pop Opera I asked for wordprompts, and you marvellous people brought it. Presenting drabbly bits of prose/poetry in under 100 words, for a change from the usual blather of daily life and such. — part one. perjinkities: her favourite things cannot be sung of in a […]


#053: Hectic. Fragments.

March 11th, 2009 Comments Off on #053: Hectic. Fragments.

Currently listening to: “Beau-frère” – Les Cowboys Fringants Super busy week. Becoming steadily more and more ungrammatical. Thinking in sentence fragments. And cookie crumbs. Hooray incoherence!!!! Two papers due – Arts One, and French. Procrastination is the new best friend. Sorry, coffee. Your time was short-lived. French Club executive elections today. Am now Social Coordinator […]

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#052: Wordprompt time!

March 4th, 2009 5 Comments

Currently listening to: “Par chez nous” – Les Cowboys Fringants I’m undergoing a terrible bout of writer’s block. Nothing seems to make sense, which means that my Arts One essay = epic fail at the moment. In an effort to try to write, I’d love it if you guys tossed random words at me (the […]
