Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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Entries Tagged as 'Student Life'

#065: moving SOON

September 1st, 2009 4 Comments

Currently listening to: “Opheliac” – Emilie Autumn *Incoming first-years, this is a fine example of how not to pack. This is also a fine example of digressing from one topic to another. I’m moving on campus this upcoming Sunday, and the packing process is a just a tad like the aftermath of the French Revolution […]


#053: Hectic. Fragments.

March 11th, 2009 Comments Off on #053: Hectic. Fragments.

Currently listening to: “Beau-frère” – Les Cowboys Fringants Super busy week. Becoming steadily more and more ungrammatical. Thinking in sentence fragments. And cookie crumbs. Hooray incoherence!!!! Two papers due – Arts One, and French. Procrastination is the new best friend. Sorry, coffee. Your time was short-lived. French Club executive elections today. Am now Social Coordinator […]

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#041: Student Leadership Conference 2009

January 11th, 2009 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “Baby” – Rufus Wainwright Eastwood, Genevieve, and Lilienne have already put in their two cents about this year’s SLC, so here’s mine. Overall, due to the entertaining and eye-opening workshops and feature presentations, I really enjoyed the sessions, which went as follows: Dr. Jim Frankish, on homelessness and health I would really […]

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#038: good things come in threes

January 8th, 2009 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “The Score” – Sarah Slean First off, I LOVE SARAH SLEAN- that is all. No, I lie. that is not all. Is anyone here attending the UBC Student Leadership Conference? I will be in attendance, and will probably write an entry about that subsequently. There are several extremely interesting sessions on social […]

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#009: Short update!

September 17th, 2008 5 Comments

Currently listening to: “There’s A Fine, Fine Line” – Avenue Q BUSY LIKE A BUSY THING ON BUSY DAY! 1. The Arts One essay, while seemingly straightforward and unassuming, has proven to be absolutely rubbish to write. Comparing the gods in the Iliad and Ramayana is absolutely riveting stuff. Of course, it is (only) the […]

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