List of Links for Lecture

For EOSC 311: Metal Deposits 1: Copper and Iron

BC Mineral Deposits

Geology of Strathcona Park – Good overview of the park, including the geology, mining, environment… etc. Link
Map of Silver Deposits in British Columbia

Porphyry Copper
Nice animation of a rising magma body

Black Smokers
American Museuem of Natural History: Has a good explanation and videos… AMNH – Black Smokers
The coolest thing in this is the picture that has Dudley — showing scale.

Dive and Discover: Hydrothermal Vents (Woods Hole)
Hydrothermal Vents. This site provides a nice overview of the characteristics of hydrothermal vents. Nice use of figures for chemistry.

Axial Volcano Site — Just off the west coast. Erupted in 1998
This site from NOAA does an excellent job of combining Quicktime + Quicktime VR — complete with embedded “hot spot” movies.
ASHES Virtual Site

Iron and Steel
From the American Iron and Steel Institute:AISI Learning Center: How A Blast Furnace Works

Occurrence and Distribution of Metals
Powerpoint presentation from Arizona State University Professor, James P. Birk on Metals and Metallurgy — including how steel is made.

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