I’m doing some background work related to clearning copyright for online courses, and wanted to store a few links here. I thought I would check into what other Canadian Institutions are doing.
I am really impressed with the University of Manitoba pilot project on digital copyright clearance. They are in the middle of their pilot implementation, due to run until March 2005. The work products from this are already impressive:
- University of Manitoba Digital Copyright Clearance Pilot Project. Very good set of resources and a pro-active project ongoing at U of Manitoba.
- Overview of the project (PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions– VERY useful.
- Workshop notes from the University of Saskatchewan Instructional Design Conference, Nov 19, 2004: “What we’ve learned about digital copyright: Implications for instructional designers” by Lori Wallace, University of Manitoba.
- It looks like Access Copyright has started to work with digital licensing, though the U of Manitoba folks express reservations about this service, given its relative early stage of implementation.
Cool… more later…