Got this link from Darren Cannell:
10 steps to develop learner support – a guideline through the key issues.
The document provides a succinct overview of Learner Support, and how one might go about the process of re-examiing this type of support in organizations. The guide is intended to be cross-sectoral – its a product of the British Learning Association.
Going through this brings home what our Distance Education Learner Support Manager has emphasized… “Learner support is a function, not a person“.
This review is timely for me… we’re doing quite a bit of analysis and planning around these functions now. One of the more exciting initiatives is a student-driven one that I’l blog about some more at another time.
Combine this BLA guide with the resources from the WCET, and there is a lot of really good work available online as examples for institutions.
Nice Article! I enjoyed reading it. There are a couple of points I think project coordinators often miscalculate, like “3. Convince others” and “8. Review how best to manage learner support”.
As the article indicates, convincing the right people is the 3rd step in the list and it covers a large group of audience (from Faculty heads to Voluntary leaders). This procedure directly affect the project in multiple dimensions such as funding, quality and delivery. It is a quite critical component. Learner support is easily to be ignored in training designs. It should be considered and planned while the project is carried out.