50 2.0 Ways — Nice!

Emerging from a long, couple of seasons sleep…

I was looking over my RSS feeds and noticed Alan Levine’s “50 Web 2.0 Ways to tell a Story”.

That Alan! Always doing amazing stuff!

He describes the inspiration & history behind this in his blogpost:

The actual workshop content is here:

As usual, Alan just blows me away with the resources he makes available.

I like the concept….
(Though whew! That many tools might make the eyes and brain go spinny. Luckily that is a state I am used to.

I love the 1-2-3 approach, with its associated, target resources:
1. Outline a Story Idea
2. Find Some Media
3. Pick a Tool to Build Your Story

And the scaffolding/structure provided.

With respect to the structure, note how he has pre-populated resources, logins etc., for the workshop context.

Can’t help but think it would be interesting to have the same setup for our training contexts. Plus, it would be cool to wrap some Canadian contexts around it (content sources, discussion about using sources/tools from locations external to UBC), and add in links to tools developed here. For example, the tools on Arts’ Learning Tools site (http://www.learningtools.arts.ubc.ca/)

I like it when something makes me spinny and gets my brain spinning!

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2 Responses to 50 2.0 Ways — Nice!

  1. Tim Wang says:

    And Pachyderm… It’s a great story telling tool. 🙂

  2. Michelle Lamberson says:

    And let’s not forget that new Interactive Video / Transcript Viewer…

    An excellent addition as well!

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