I saw a reference to “PollMappr*” on the Google Earth Blog (who saw it on the Free Geography Tools blog). What an intriguing little piece of software!
The software allows you to set up a poll then track where the responses are coming from, and then allows you to explore the results through Google Earth. Very cool. You can link the poll from a variety of blogs/websites… hmmm probably should let the LEAP folks know about this… might be a new an interesting twist on their polling…
Beyond cool, though, is the educational value piece…. Say your students want to explore some question that they believe will vary from place to place in the world… perhaps the poll would not be “scientific” but that’s part of the interesting piece. You can talk with them about sampling…
If this were an application that could be locally hosted and managed, you could start to use it in a systematic way – setting up connections between schools..
Actually you could do this now -just take some coordinating up front. Sister cities & schools could become networks… Peer institutions could network in this way…
Lots of fun in thinking through something like this!
*(I guess Flickr made it cool to drop e’s – from what I remember it’s the most common vowel anyway!)