Author Archives: Michelle Lamberson

Copyright Guide for New Media Producers..

Following on to the earlier posting on copyright. I also found a page at Heritage Canada that is quite interesting… A Practical guide on Copyright Clearance for New media Producers This should prove useful..

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Discussions Planning

Planning discussions has always been challenging… and adding the online element has really required a re-think of goals, strategies, approaches… I, like many of my colleagues, really have to rethink how I encourage and use Discussions in the online environment. … Continue reading

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Two worlds merge…

I’ve spent the last two days glued to various reports associated with the 9.0 quake in Sumatra… and the ensuing tsunami. I first heard of it not through the mainstream media… but through my Bloglines EQuake RSS feed (that link … Continue reading

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Digital Copyright Clearance Examples

I’m doing some background work related to clearning copyright for online courses, and wanted to store a few links here. I thought I would check into what other Canadian Institutions are doing. I am really impressed with the University of … Continue reading

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Online Degree/Services Guides at WCET

Further to the DE post on Dec 12, the other resources that I think are quite useful have been out for a while as well, but good to surface: Regional Accrediting Agency Documents on Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs … Continue reading

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Instant Messaging article – Robert Farmer

Recieved this via Campus Technology’s IT Trends newsletter: Instant Messaging -Collaborative Tool or Educator’s nightmare! As they indicate: “This well-researched white paper by Robert Farmer, posted on the University of New Brunswick Web site, examines the pros and cons.” If … Continue reading

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CS Monitor: Worldwide Panorama

Harkens back to the “Day in the Life” Days — I forget what group/organization did that particular project, the World Wide Panaroma Project, described in this CS Monitor article… , reminds me of this. The cool thing is, of course, … Continue reading

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Been a while..

I’ve been pretty absorbed over the last few months with teaching a Geology course (thus the Rock Blog) fully online for the first time ever… the Online Freakout Party Zone** has languished… Teaching certainly is not over yet… I’m still … Continue reading

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Guiding Principles, online Learning and Programs

Distance Education has occupied a lot of our collective time lately. I wanted to start collating some resources in my weblog, so I don’t lose track of them. First, two resources related to the big picture learner support and guiding … Continue reading

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New LO Journal

Via EduResources Weblog, come a link to a new journal, Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects . The list of possible topics that they propose is quite interesting. Looks like this may be a good venue for publisshing the … Continue reading

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